The Governor of Nile, in his speech at the workshop on the role of community leaders in promoting community security and peace, highlighted the role of civil and popular leaders in strengthening the national spirit and raising the sense of security of citizens.

Dr. Muhammad al-Badawi Abdul Majid Abu Qarun, Acting Governor of the Nile, highlighted the role of civil, popular and community leaders in strengthening the national spirit and increasing the sense of security of citizens. the headquarters of the General Intelligence Service in Damar, the activities of the opening session of the workshop organized by the Higher Academy for Strategic and Security Studies in coordination with the state government and the State General Intelligence Service.

He stressed the importance of the workshop, especially at this important time when our country is exposed to the biggest conspiracy targeting its history, identity and resources, changing the population map and erasing the identity and values โ€‹โ€‹of the people of Sudan, Mr. Governor affirmed that there is no possibility for the enemies of the homeland, the agents and the so-called forces of freedom and change, after starting the war and supporting the rebel militias and mercenaries in destroying and sabotaging the homeland. … And committing the most horrific types of crimes, including murder, rape, looting, sabotage and burning of public and private properties, occupying citizens' homes and torturing innocent and defenseless people in a way that history has never seen before. for the need for these civil and popular leaders to undertake the work of an information base in each neighborhood, group and city, and an accurate and complete census of all the residents of the neighborhood and knowing their identity will help combat drug and drug-related crimes. everything that disrupts public security and threatens the stability and security of the state, stressing their encouragement to spread such workshops in all localities and administrative units of the state, the Governor praised the armed forces and regular forces in the face of this aggression, this plan and this aggression. and announced the coming victory, God willing, saluting the position of the Sudanese people. With their armed forces, each defended the homeland, the land and honor.

The governor praised the great role of the Higher Academy for Strategic and Security Studies and welcomed the start of its work from Nile State.

The Governor also praised the distinguished performance of the General Intelligence Service and the close coordination with all security services, which contributed to canceling the grand plan against our country.

For his part, Major General Amin Al-Fadil Abbas Qasm Al-Sayyid, Deputy Dean of the Higher Academy for Strategic and Security Studies, praised the interaction of the state government, led by the governor, with the programs and plans of the Academy and he also praised the initiatives and efforts of the state government in various fields and conveyed the greetings of Lieutenant General Mufaddal, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Academy and the university leadership. stressed the importance of the workshop in spreading security, refuting rumors and protecting society from anything that threatens security and stability. He explained that the workshop would present working papers through experts, stressing the continuation of these programs and workshops in the state and elsewhere. States must reach out to all segments of society in order to maintain the security, stability and safety of the homeland against… The internal and external conspiracies being prepared against it indicate the great role of civil, popular and community leaders, especially at this stage where solidarity and cooperation are required for the benefit of the nation and the rejection of division, diaspora and disagreement.

We note that the opening session was graced by Major General Salman Muhammad Al-Tayeb, Director of the State Police, Major General Yasser Ali Bashir, Director of the State General Intelligence Service, Dr. Mahjoub Al-Sir Muhammad Ahmed, Minister of Finance, Economy and Manpower in the State, Professor Mustafa Muhammad Othman Al-Sharif, Minister of Culture, Information and Communications in the State, and Dr. Tahani Mirghani, Minister of Social Affairs in the State, Dr. Awad Al-. Karim Al-Mubarak, Executive Director of Al-Damer Locality, Mr. Osama Majzoub Babakir Al-Labib, Executive Director of Atbara Locality, as well as a number of leaders of the State and the State General Intelligence Services.

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