The Governor of Nile presides over the electricity meeting in the locality of Beheira, announcing good news to the citizens of the locality, and committing through the ministers to finance all local projects in tribute to the locality's inhabitants who sacrificed themselves for the native country.

Engineer Salah Ali Karkba, Acting Governor of the Nile, confirmed that the local options file is a top priority for the state government. This came when he chaired the meeting attended by Dr. Mahjoub Al-Sir Mohamed Ahmed, Minister of the State. The meeting was held with Engineer Samir Saeed, Minister of Infrastructure of the State, and Professor Othman Mohamed Othman Al-Amin, General of the State Government and Engineer Ammar Muhammad Al-Hassan, Director of Electricity of the State. devoted to discussing how to successfully complete the local electricity project of the lake in light of the steps started with the electricity supply of Shiri Island. Work is underway to complete the project covering all areas of the locality. The Acting Governor announced the electrification of all agricultural projects. in the lake to enter the next winter season with force, God willing, he added that the introduction of electricity will help reduce production costs and increase production by increasing the cultivated areas, in addition to the importance of electricity at the level of the The acting governor added that the citizen and the person of Beheira deserve the best for their patience in previous years.

Dr. Mahjoub Al-Sir Muhammad Ahmed, Minister of Finance, Economy and Manpower of the State, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Local Choice, praised the sacrifices of Al-Manasir and what they have offered to the nation, and gave good news of the completion of the Lake Electricity Project in the near future, God willing, the minister pledged to complete all Local Choice projects and confirmed his readiness within the Ministry of Finance of the State to support the rights of the people of Local Choice and to start from the stage of rights to the stage of establishing development and service projects that contribute to the development and growth of the locality of Al-Buhaira and catching up with other localities, God willing, he added that Al-Manasir and the people of Al-Khayar are local. have proven that they are very patriotic and put the interest of the nation before their own interest. Therefore, the reception must be better and this loyalty to work must be satisfied. I must do them justice and support them.

He said they will stay with them until all projects in the locality are completed.

For his part, Engineer Samir Saeed, Minister of Infrastructure of the State, indicated that the Lake and Local Cucumber Electricity Project is considered one of the vital and important projects. He stressed that the meeting focused on the need to facilitate and accelerate the Mhaisa. He added that this line is considered one of the important lines, stressing that the Lake Electricity Project is considered a real plus for the country in general, the state and the locality, and a qualitative addition to the economic and social aspects, and its impact on the revival, construction and development of the locality. It will add a major addition in the field of health, educational and other services, and a qualitative addition. to the infrastructure of the state.

For his part, Mr. Othman Muhammad Othman, Secretary General of the State Government, referred to the great efforts made during the previous period in the electricity file to solve the problem of the lake, which has been living in total darkness for more than more than He added that the project being implemented from Hassad Station to Al-Tuwayna covers large areas. He added that the lake electricity project is being completed despite the halt in development due to war conditions, but due to the importance of the project and the sacrifice of the local people and their long patience, the Nile State government has decided to complete the project in a short period of time, God willing, he added, that the project will benefit the nation and not the state and the state. only, given that the locality is considered a private agricultural locality for winter crops, and considering the withdrawal of many projects due to the events of the rebellion, he added that the electricity project will cover the hospitals of Al-. Kab and Al-Tuwayna, in addition to the electrification of major projects, the most important of which is the Al-Lahlabiyah and Al-Huwaila project, and all the villages located on the line, and in the future, it will cover, God willing, the West Bank and all local areas. He announced the convening of a government council. The next term in the locality of Al-Buhaira is part of the policy of the council that followed to transfer its meetings to the presidency of the localities. field on the problems and difficulties, and communicate with the leaders and bases, and also to bless and open the Cherry Electricity project, marking the launch of the project for the rest of the local areas. He expressed his thanks to all the parties who contributed. the project.

Engineer Ammar Muhammad Al-Hassan, Director of State Electricity, stressed the importance of the Mhaisa station project in the locality of Al-Buhaira, which will have a future. He added that the meeting took all technical, administrative and financial arrangements to move forward. to complete the project and reach its end, God willing, so that the citizens and people of Al-Buhaira benefit from stable electricity, God willing, he praised the support and support of the government. The mandate belongs to them to carry out this project. he described as a vital and important project

It is noteworthy that the meeting decided to form a committee headed by the Minister of Infrastructure, the Minister of Finance of the State as the alternate chairman of the committee, the rapporteur of the Secretary General of the State Government and the members of the Director of Electricity of the State, the Executive Director of the locality of Beheira, the Director General of Development and Planning in the Ministry of Finance of the State, the Legal Advisor of the State and the Director of Planning in the Ministry of Infrastructure of the State. the lake electricity project

The meeting recorded high praise for the efforts of Engineer Ammar Muhammad Al-Hassan, Director of State Electricity, and for his keenness to implement the project and its close monitoring, as well as for his engineering and technical team in State Electricity, despite the current circumstances that our country is going through. The meeting prayed to the Almighty God for the united and speedy victory of our armed forces and those who support them in the battle for dignity, and to preserve our country from the plots of the enemies.

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