The Governor of the Nile, after reviewing the health situation, announces a number of urgent measures and directives to localities to intensify environmental sanitation campaigns and strengthen food control in markets and stores.

Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdul Majid Abu Qarun, Governor of the Nile, ordered all localities and administrative units to accelerate the launch of large and comprehensive campaigns for environmental sanitation. This came when he chaired the meeting on the health situation in light of the success of the fall and the emergence of some cases of watery diarrhea in some regions of the state, in the presence and participation of Professor Amira Ahmed Hassan, Minister of Finance, Economy and Manpower of the state, Dr. Tahani Mirghani Abdel Hafeez, Minister of Social Affairs of the state, Dr. Magda Abdullah, Acting Director General of the Ministry of Health, and Mr. Kamal al-Din Hasab al-Jabo, Director of the General Administration of Procurement and Contracts. The governor stressed the need. Mobilize all energies and sectors of society, especially the youth and the mobilized, in order to make these campaigns a success. Include cleanliness campaigns, waste removal, spraying campaigns, combating disease-carrying insects, works to drain ponds and stagnant water, strict control of food and food products in all shops, working to combat negative phenomena in markets such as the spread of vegetables and fruits on the ground, and taking decisive measures against any violation in this regard in markets and food and food shops, and not tolerating any violation of the rules. health checks, monitoring of the workforce in shops, restaurants and markets, and reviewing health cards. The governor ordered that local leaders, the executive director and the health administration of each locality, be responsible for following these procedures and guidelines. , by adopting a field approach and reaching all regions, neighborhoods, cities and villages to eliminate all waste and spraying campaigns. The Governor requested the State Ministry of Finance to provide the necessary budget for the success of these campaigns, and directed the State Ministry. He requested the General Administration of Procurement and Contracts to provide a number of means of transport to the Ministry of Health for the teams that will travel to all localities. The Governor praised the speed of the interventions. Response of the Federal Minister of Health to the call: The State provides medicines for autumn diseases. He also praised the efforts of the Federal Ministry of Health to control the health situation and speed up treatment. He called for focusing on the role of the Federal Ministry of Health. He also called on all activities and sectors of society to actively contribute to the success of these campaigns, in coordination with the State Ministry of Health, localities and administrative units.

For her part, Dr. Magda Abdullah, Acting Director General of the Ministry of Health, expressed her deep appreciation and thanks to the Governor, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Social Affairs and the Director of the General Administration of Procurement and Procurement. for interacting with the State Ministry of Health to make the disease vector control program a success and anticipate the diseases of the fall, some of which have begun to appear, she indicated that health is the responsibility of everyone, therefore of all administrative localities. units, sectors and activities of the society must interact and actively participate in the intensive and major campaigns of environmental sanitation, waste disposal, spraying of disease-carrying insects, filling ponds, swamps and all the negative effects of the fall, stressing that health is everyone's business. responsibility and emphasizing the importance of the great role of the media in raising awareness of the seriousness of epidemic diseases that spread in the fall, how to deal with them, be careful and cautious in eating clean food, pay attention to cleanliness, wash your hands constantly, cook vegetables well, wash vegetables and fruits well, be careful when eating in markets, public food stores and restaurants, be careful when buying vegetables and fruits and avoid buying vegetables and fruits provided on the ground and pay attention to the cleanliness of housing, especially kitchens, to avoid contamination of food

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