The Governor of the Nile announces the creation of a fund to support popular resistance

Nile Governor Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdel Majid announced the creation of a fund to support popular resistance

He said during a social event in the Al-Musikatab region, north of Shendi, that this fund will have multiple resources and its profits will be allocated to the popular resistance for all its needs, which it provides weapons, training, supplies or logistical support. .

During the wedding ceremony of the leader's son and civil and popular leader, Abdullah Muhammad Othman, the governor called on everyone to unite and eliminate all political, ideological and ethnic divisions so that everyone constitutes a strike force unique person capable of cleaning the country. country to its last borders.

For his part, the leader of the popular resistance in southern Shendi, Muhammad Abdel-Wahab Wad al-Assad, similarly welcomed the creation of a popular resistance fund on the Nile in his seven localities. Wad al-Assad added: the establishment of

The Fund likes a lot of the problems facing popular resistance, especially since the Fund will have multiple resources, especially in its popular aspect.

He praised the governor's efforts to support the armed forces and support the popular resistance, which has launched from the Nile to all states of Sudan.

Wad Al-Assad expressed his thanks to the executive director of Shindi locality, Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, for his general sponsorship of the alert camps in Al-Karama (1) and Al-Karama (2) and his willingness to launch the Al-Karama camps (3), which formed a stock of fighters covering many defenses and outposts, and some of them headed towards the front.

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