The Governor of the Nile welcomes the return and resumption of the Local Development Fund after a hiatus of more than a year. He appreciates the donation and what the Fund has provided and announces the honor of the founder of the Fund, Mr. Muhammad Suleiman Abdullah.

Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdel-Majed Abu Qarun, Acting Governor of the Nile, announced the return and resumption of the work of the Local Development Fund in the state after a period of about a year and a half of hiatus due to the circumstances the country is going through, when he chaired at the headquarters of the Fund the first meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fund of the current year, in the presence and with the participation of Professor Amira Ahmed Hassan, Minister of Finance, Economy and Labor in the state, the Chairwoman of the Board of Directors and all members of the Board of Directors.

The Governor appreciated the great contribution of the Local Development Fund since its inception and added that the Fund had established a comprehensive and balanced development and had received praise from all, including a certificate and commendation from the World Bank for the transparency that the Fund had established in balanced development, announcing projects and offering tenders for projects. The Governor affirmed that the Fund represents the pride of the state and a tribute to its founder and former director, Mr. Muhammad Suleiman Abdullah, and his role in the success. the experience of the Fund as an unprecedented experience at the level of the states of the country, which called on the World Bank and the federal authorities to generalize the experience to the rest of the states of the country, also praised the great and competent efforts made by Mr. Mahjoub Al-Sir Muhammad Ahmed, Minister of Finance, Economy and Energy, former state employee, former chairman of the board of directors of the state, achieved many successes during his tenure, stressing his confidence in Professor Amira Ahmed. Hassan, Minister of Finance, Economy and Manpower, chairman of the board of directors, to bring about a major change at the level of the ministry and the Fund, the governor called for the need for the Fund to contribute to urban development and comprehensive urban development. Renaissance and Exit From the traditional style prevailing in the construction of facilities and the trend towards vertical construction and reconstruction, the governor gave good news about the state's orientation towards implementing major projects in the state by establishing twinning with large Turkish companies, especially in the fields of manufacturing and food industries, leather industry, iron factory and other handicrafts and small industries, and benefiting from the state's products through manufacturing. The trend is towards export and creating added value for these products, especially after the imminent completion of these products. works at Atbara Airport after the development and modernization operations, as well as the expansion of the Atbara dry port to accommodate the movement of exports and imports. The governor announced the start of road expansion and maintenance works in Damar and Atbara through the international company Zadna. , and an agreement was also reached with the Zadna company to complete the government hotel in Damar, the governor indicated that they wish for the revival and development of the reality of the state in all its aspects, stressing that the state is now considered the first state in the country. various fields, according to the testimony of the federal authorities and the praise that the state received from the senior leaders of the state, adding that the return of the fund and the start of its work during this period is evidence of the stability and excellence of the state, the governor stressed the necessity and importance of the media to announce the great achievements of the Fund and the development it has achieved since its launch in 2012. The governor praised all those who contributed to the success and establishment of the Fund. Fund, and even to the executives who are currently working, whom he described as excellence. He wished success and payment to Mr. Abu Bakr Muhammad Al-Amin, Executive Director of the Fund.

For her part, Professor Amira Ahmed Hassan, Minister of Finance, Economy and Manpower of the State and Chairman of the Board of Trustees, highlighted the great impact of the Development Fund and indicated that the objective of establishing the Fund is the development and raising the standard of living. level of local development in the field of basic and necessary services, including health, education, water, social work and health insurance, she said. The Fund will resume its work vigorously and the focus will be on completing ongoing projects. Ahmed Hassan highlighted the great role of Professor Muhammad Suleiman Abdullah, founder and former director of the Fund, in the success of the Fund's experience as a pioneering and unprecedented experience at the national level.

Mr. Abu Bakr Muhammad Al-Amin, Executive Director of the Local Development Fund, expressed his great joy at the approval of the governor, the sponsor of the Fund, and the Board of Directors of the Fund for the Fund to begin its work after a hiatus of more than a year due to the circumstances the country is going through. He added that they will begin their work from next week by visiting all localities to reconcile the conditions of all projects. He also greeted Professor Abu Bakr Muhammad Al-Amin, greeted Professor Muhammad. Suleiman Abdullah, founder and former director of the Fund, also greeted Dr. Mahjoub Al-Sir Muhammad Ahmed, Minister of Finance and Economy, as well as the state staff, former chairman of the Board of Directors of the Fund, for their important role in the success of the Fund's projects.

Engineer Samir Saeed, Minister of Infrastructure, member of the board of directors and the members of the board, including the local directors and the legal advisor, expressed their great joy at the return of the Local Development Fund and the resumption of its work, stressing that the Fund represents the pride of the state and a beauty spot on the forehead of the state, and they presented proposals that would contribute to advancing and improving the performance and work of the Fund and its projects in the localities.

After lengthy discussions, the meeting decided to approve the Fund's performance report during the previous period, and it was decided to focus on completing ongoing but not yet completed projects, as well as drafting a preamble for the Fund's projects that explains the name of the project, the executing agency, financing, the start and end dates of the project, and the receipt. The meeting also stressed the need to complete tasks quickly and avoid bureaucracy and slow work. as well as speeding up the rehabilitation and maintenance of the Western Road, Umm Al-Bouqa, as it is one of the vital and important roads. The meeting also decided to review the Fund's draft law and work to absorb and attract new resources. contribute to the success of the Fund's projects, after submitting the proposal to the Council of Ministers of the State Government, it was also decided in the meeting to honor the founder of the Fund, Professor and Economic Expert, Muhammad Suleiman Abdullah, former Director of. of the Fund, for his major role in the establishment and success of the Fund. The meeting emphasized the need, importance and role of the media in its various media and means to preach the objectives and achievements of the Local Development Fund and the great successes. that the Fund has achieved with the testimony of international and state bodies and the great societal satisfaction it has obtained.

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