The governor's testimony to General Hamdan is enough ✍️ Salah Ahmudi

Major General Hamdan Eid al-Qadir, commander of the 3rd Shindi Infantry Division, was subjected to a torrent of accusations, rumors and malicious lies from the remnants, their supporters and the rebels, which confirms the solidity of the men in the group. their leadership in Shindi, their mountain-like steadfastness and their composure as they lead the brave soldiers to defeat the rebellion, for whom the vast lands have shrunk and whose hearts have reached their throats.

As is their habit, whenever they are defeated in a battle and (Ardo) they resort to the method of psychological warfare and spreading rumors, and all their hope is that the people will be guided by their rumors, but whatever happens, we are all confident in our leadership and in the leadership of the 3rd Infantry Division, Shindi.

The certificate of innocence came from Nile State Governor Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdel-Majid, who said the rumors targeting the armed forces and their top leadership, led by Commander-in-Chief Lt. General Abdel-Majid, Fattah Al-Burhan, only increase the cohesion, prevention and strength of our armed forces to defeat the rebellion.

He spoke about Major General Hamdan, emphasizing that he is bigger than any targeting and challenge to his patriotism. He said Major General Hamdan, since he set foot on the land of Shindi and led the 3rd Infantry Division in Shindi, has set an example. courage, defiance, patience and perseverance in the face of the harm he was exposed to on social media sites, and he continued to deliver excellent work.

He added that this is my “testimony” about him, and I am responsible for it, and it is testimony required by higher authorities, and that he was a model of manhood and good performance, and c It is we who evaluate his performance, not those who attack him behind the keyboard and the infiltrators in their ways.

Goodbye again

By God, I do not know His Excellency Major General Hamdan closely, but my testimony is that I observed and listened to him in his speech to the gathering men in the Karama camps, and I testify to his strength, his enthusiasm and his moral sense. and material support to all camps.

And they say to the tremors

We compete in honorable things

And the people standing there greeted us with a floor above them

Forbidden people, what is in our destiny is identical

Burns or flames in the neighborhood, we have a story

And there are not among us (Al-Aroor) two thousand acute dreams

In the house of Al-Awain, it's swollen

Greetings and condolences to all leaders of the 3rd Infantry Division in Shindi, including officers, non-commissioned officers, soldiers and mobilized personnel, for their efforts and dedication to protect the land and honor of our beloved Sudan.

Victory goes to our armed forces on all battle fronts

Shame and shame on the rebels, conspirators, collaborators and supporters

Victory comes only from God

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