The great saga of athletes led by the great Moatasem Jaafar ✍️ Dr Omar Kabo


*Tomorrow they will gather to salute our armed forces…*

*The Premier Clubs Initiative: The highest, biggest and most important initiative… it's a loyalty journey…*

++ When did the sports sector fall behind the national share?? When did its sectors lack its support, its support, its care and its crucial issues???!!!

++ Explore All Sectors You won't find a bigger, bigger, bigger sector than the sports sector among all the categorized sectors…

++ Explore all sectors, and you will not find a tolerant sector if it takes the initiative, if it gathers, if it quarrels, or if it unites, it shoots an arrow like the sports sector…

++ His Eminence has reached such a level that all the colours of the political spectrum have merged in him into a single union, the Islamic with the Christian, with the communist, with the unionist, with the Ansari. an idea, united by a vision, and elevated by an objective without spoiling the difference of orientations for love of it…

++ Here the Premier League Clubs Association has directed its firm and solid will to announce the Pride and Pride Initiative in support of our armed forces, taking the city of Port Sudan as the scene of the largest crowd its stadium will see tomorrow afternoon, Tuesday.

++ The Premier League Clubs Initiative, with a golden start, shaking hands with the heroic leader Al-Burhan, symbols of the sport, led by the zealous national sponsor of the initiative and the fearless knight, Dr. Moatasem Jaafar, and Arkan Salma, men as patriotic as Osama Atta Al-Mannan, Magdy Shams El-Din, Nasr El-Din Hemedti, Professor Mohamed Jalal, Mohamed Halfa, Al-Zein Al-Dakhiri and Tariq Sayyed Al-Moatasem…

++ Here is the Supreme Committee of this great national initiative, headed by Shepherd Moatasem Jaafar, Nasr El-Din Hemedti, Al-Fateh Al-Toum, Hazem Hamza, Amir Muhammad Khair, Ghazi Mohieddin Maxim, Tariq Sayyed Al-Muatasem, Ahmed Saqqaf and Atef Al-Sayyed have prepared the preparations and created all the conditions that make the occasion a celebration for the athletes to express their wonderful and cherished gratitude to our powerful and redeemed national army…

++ Ayman Mafi This genuine national initiative has confirmed what is certain: the entire Sudanese people support their armed forces and shake their hands with love, loyalty, sincerity and serenity…

++ It is truly an initiative in its greatest manifestations which represents the celebration of the Mujahid who enters the battle with in his heart, his soul and his thought the weapon of strength, determination, perseverance and firmness…

++ From here, we address every authentic athlete who has the conditions to be in Port Sudan to dust off their feet in an hour of victory for our national army, in the presence and participation of the Premier Clubs, their majestic initiatives…

++ Many thanks to the Premier Clubs for this timely initiative. It is time to respond to faith, chivalry, and the call of a dear homeland. The sports family, led by its leader and leader Moatasem. Jaafar, refuses to endure the insults of the Arab diaspora of our dear and noble homeland…

++ My thanks go to every authentic athlete who was motivated by the tolerant nature of the sport and revolted against an oppressive and brutal militia and refused to sell his dignity and honor to be a slave to the Arabs of the diaspora…

++ Thanks to all those who contacted me, among the pure and pure friends, my colleagues in the sports field, my beautiful companion, Atef Al-Sayyed, and the beloved, Tariq Sayyed Al-Muatasem, the greatest of athletes in character and the closest in affection… and a special greeting to the beloved Dr. Moatasem Jaafar, who proves at every moment that he belongs to the class of great honorable people…

++ Our army, machine…

++ Be careful, Jinn…

++Resistance or tenacity…

Omar Capo

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