The Greatest Lessons of War…..the Return of Islamic National Consciousness..!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas See More

**From the first day of the disturbing change, the majority of the people understood that the nation (was) in a dark era in which a (sterile wind) was blowing, composed of intellectual and political weapons made of immoral secularism, the (leftist) schools that closed their doors in their countries, and the remains of the Western (cultures) shunned in their native lands, in addition to (those who isolated themselves) before (the stupidity of) Freemasonry and Judaism-Zionism … All these (poisons and beliefs) gathered on the land of Sudan, and under (an insolent banner) they agreed to divert the revolution and raise it to the seats of (power), and they got what they wanted. And the new. people were waiting, but there was nothing but (empty bowls) of any content except (frenzied) hostility, (hollow) screams, (hateful) malice and hatred, with which they filled their emptiness and shot (their arrows) at the chests of the Islamists, angry at (the missing) and the foam (the media) and those who indulge in the creation (of manifestations) of destruction and bloodshed, coloring the space of the (pale) homeland and heralding great conflicts whose features are beginning to appear on the near horizon..!!*

*People lost the taste for security and stability and began to feel the “forced demolition” of the “familiar” form of the homeland. “Wild” behaviors invaded the scene, destroying many “values ​​and morals.” a swarm of “hypocrites” arose with sinister faces, joined the chorus of broken throats, and engaged in (mobilization and grudges) against the Islamists… Then, near these absentees, the (mill) of changing the laws and (of stripping) those of any Islamic taste turns, so that his blood type becomes similar to (his nurse), a document of shame produced by (ignorant legalists), then filthy secular agreements like (CEDAW and its bastard sisters… With the growth of anti-Islamist propaganda, it would not take long for any citizen (jealous) of his religion and his country to understand that what he sees is nothing but a (rabid attack) on Islam that has made the Islamists a (wailing wall) to pass the filthy mixture of the (imported and local) agenda… Then they (have plundered) the buildings of justice and their ruins, and their demons ran wild with them, unjustly and oppressing the people, making arrests, confiscating rights, sabotaging and polluting space, until the last thing the devils hoped and desired for themselves..!!

*We then warned the leaders of the state to be vigilant and to guard against falling into the “trap of secularism” set by the “Cheaters” to bring them and the country with them the sources of destruction with this (evil) attack on the religion of the nation, and not to be less than the position of Field Marshal Siwar Al-Dhahab and his military council who rejected (with disdain) submission to the calls for the abolition of the laws of Sharia or what the secularists called (the laws of September 1983), and the Siwar al-Dhahab Council had left them to an elected parliament to amend or abolish them, but the new leaders did not listen to the advisers, and the nation continued its decline until the birth of (Al-Atari Al-Saffah), the first (omen) of war and destruction.!!*.

*The war broke out and its causes were not limited to political calculations, private interests, ambitions of power and foreign agendas. But more importantly, we remained silent (as a Muslim nation) as we saw our religion being targeted. (by lies and heresies) of a shameless era, which led us (to a great temptation) that would not affect those who wronged us (in particular). The affliction spread and the nation understood that whoever abandons the religion of security, peace and tranquility must (drink) the bitter consequences of abandonment or silence about his immoral enemies… The will of God (is victorious), for religion is not made for frivolity and show… And now (the Islamic national conscience) returns to the nation with the impact of wounds. (Vile sedition). Praise be to God, who has restored to the nation the awareness of the tragic lesson of war..!!

*We will write and write…!!!*

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