The greatness of constancy, from the ashes of sadness to the brilliance of hope, the story of an inspiring woman (Noha Abdoun) – Whispers of letters – ✍️ Dr. Al-Baqir Abdul Qayyum Ali

In a world full of challenges and difficulties that hinder any progress and in very difficult circumstances, and in a place considered the most difficult on the spatial and temporal map, a woman stands out as a symbol of uniqueness, inspiration, strength and She is undoubtedly a one-of-a-kind woman, who was able to overcome the impossible and prove to those around her that she was a symbol of pride, courage and nobility in the face of the most difficult and darkest trials. circumstances, after losing her husband to the Corona pandemic. This ordeal was not easy for the whole world, but her ability to transform pain into strength and determination made her worthy of appreciation, admiration and distinction.

This woman lost her husband, and with his loss, Sudan lost one of its most eminent researchers in modern science. The death of a researcher is a calamity that cannot be remedied, a gap that cannot be bridged, and a star that is uncontrollable. erased. As it has been said: The death of an entire tribe is easier than the death of a single scholar. So the event came as a great shock. But the way she handled the grief was truly inspiring. the weight of the pain, but instead faced the challenges with indescribable courage, took the lead in leadership with the utmost professionalism, and continued to provide the necessary support to herself and her children to pull them out of their ordeal and the greatness of their affliction. It was great that she lost them in a safe place. She did not give in to grief and nevertheless sought to help others despite the greatness of her personal affliction and the weakness of her endurance. However, her ability to transform sadness into something positive. Strength made her victorious and she dedicated herself to continuing her life, which demonstrated that many aspects of her greatness and strength remain. She was truly extraordinary and faced the challenges with patience, perseverance and determination. She was determined to raise her children, providing them with the love and care they needed, in light of these difficult circumstances. She was not just a mother, but rather a fundamental pillar in the lives of her children and a true support for the family, sacrificing her efforts and time to ensure their happiness and the stability of each one.

This is Mrs. Noha Abdoun and La Fakhr, one of the best women in my country, and she is considered a living feminist role model. She deserved the title (the Iron Lady), because deep sadness could not control her. , and she was not a prisoner of circumstances and did not enter into… The spiral of disappointment after the absence of her husband. She was able to use this ordeal as a motivation to become stronger, more determined and more determined. more resilient. She reinforced these meanings in her children and continues to provide them with psychological support, enough love, complete care and a good role model for them. The meaning of strength and determination in her great personality.

Scientist Dr. Jamal al-Din Hassan Sayed Ahmed Ismail al-Wali, husband of Professor Noha Abdoun, passed away. After his death, he left a huge void that he also left behind. a great national responsibility the size of this country that only a selfless person can shoulder, except Professor Noha Abdoun. She appreciated this responsibility and sought to carry it and transform all the challenges she faced into opportunities to develop the project that her husband left behind. , which is the digital atlas of the whole Sudan, this atlas contains in detail the most accurate data and details of the digital geographical map of Sudan by satellite and provides basic information about the economy, agriculture, population, livestock, climate, underground wells, geology, minerals, electricity production, communications, roads and transportation, tourism, historical migrations, archaeological sites, ministries and universities, schools, hospitals, and all the information is detailed, very accurate and provided with accurate satellite images.

Before her death, an agreement was reached with the Sudanese government regarding the sale of this huge store of information to the Sudanese government. The government was supposed to pay the owners of the atlas an amount of one million dollars as a serious condition. the amount will then increase to 20 million dollars. However, the government, as usual, did not comply, and the owners of this atlas have obligations to others, and at the same time, Mrs. Noha Abdoun is exposed to temptations almost daily. Some foreign and local countries and companies have spent 200 million dollars to purchase this atlas. However, Mrs. Noha rejected these demands and resisted the temptations presented to her in order to sell the atlas to external parties, which only indicates that she does so. her shameless patriotism and loyalty to the highest values ​​and interests of the nation, as well as her rejection of external influences, which reflect her commitment to protecting the country's resources and culture. I wonder if (the state) cares about Noha and her family, because she is concerned about the highest national interests and state secrets?

And the God of intention behind

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