The ground shakes under the feet of the belligerents in Sudan – Paths – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen

In the curriculum of the Arabic language subject, the Department of Rhetoric, there was a lesson called (good reasoning), which is a positive interpretation of phenomena and events in a way that pleases the ruler or reassures the souls of the rulers. Perhaps the most famous and widespread example of good reasoning is when Egypt was exposed to an earthquake, and the poet of that time did not find a better reason than good reasoning to positively explain this phenomenon (earthquake). in favor of the ruler, and he uttered his famous saying preserved by many students of this method.
He said:
Egypt is still shaken by plots against it
But I danced for your joy.
In the language of today's youth, this is the biggest snowboard ever broken in front of a manager at that time.
Perhaps he was not preceded even by the poets of ancient times who praised princes and rulers in the hope of a bundle of dirhams or a gold coin.
Earthquakes are a natural global phenomenon that occurs in various regions of the world and whose causes are related to the formations and layers of the earth as well as other natural factors. There are areas known to geologists and earth scientists as seismic belt zones that are exposed to earthquakes on a continuous basis, such as Japan and Turkey, which recently experienced the strongest earthquake in their history.
It was reported in the newspapers yesterday that there were two areas in Sudan that were exposed to an earthquake in Sudan, the first in western Sudan in the Malha region of North Darfur, which left a (grooves) as a witness, and the second area exposed to an earthquake in eastern Sudan was an area located in the locality of Port Sudan, in the Red Sea State.
Regardless of scientific explanations, geological possibilities and the nature of the land in both regions
Who have been exposed to (an earthquake) or an earthquake in (West Sudan) and (East Sudan), this question can be a message or an invitation to think about this issue beyond the scientific reasons for the occurrence of earthquakes.
The initial and simple view of a simple man like the author of these lines is that the two areas that were exposed to the first earthquakes in Darfur represent, in the eyes of many, the main incubator of the rapid support militia, as do most of its members. The forces are from Darfur and some of them come from West Kordofan, which has been waging a proxy war in order to seize power for the benefit of others.
The second earthquake occurred in eastern Sudan, near Port Sudan, where the country's temporary administrative capital is located and the headquarters of the Sovereignty Council, which administers the government and a number of sovereign and service ministries. This is the headquarters of Lt. Gen. Abdel. Fattah al-Burhan, Lt. Gen. Shams Kabashi and Lt. Gen. Ibrahim Jaber, who are the army leaders who are relentlessly fighting the militia in order to defeat it and defeat the international and regional support that supports it.
The first earthquake at the location of the Rapid Support Militia incubator in Darfur and the second earthquake near the army headquarters in Port Sudan could be a message to those who have shaken the ground beneath their feet.
But we have not found a good explanation or explanation for the earthquakes in Darfur and Port Sudan, like the poet who gave a good explanation for the earthquake that struck Egypt at that time and said (Egypt was not shaken by a plan intended against it, but it danced for joy at your justice).
I say to the honorable reader, you (explain), and I do not (fail).