The homeland is everyone's business: Sudanese youth facing challenges – Something for the homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

Homelands are considered a strong fortress that protects their people, and they are the land where identities are rooted and transmitted from generation to generation. In light of the rapidity of events occurring in the world, the importance of the citizen's role in preserving and protecting his homeland is emphasized. In Sudan, where the roots of civilization are deeply rooted and cultures fertilize each other, young people are facing great challenges that require them to assume their national responsibilities.

Young people are the driving force behind change and reform, and they are the foundation of the future. They represent a positive energy that can help build a strong and cohesive nation. In light of current events in Sudan, young people must be at the forefront of defending their country and protecting its gains.

The role of youth in nation building is to raise awareness among people. Youth should be pioneers in raising awareness of the importance of national unity and tolerance, and work to correct misconceptions and reject hatred and violence, in addition to building bridges of communication. People should strive to build bridges of communication between different social components and work to unite ranks, overcome differences and contribute to voluntary work. Youth can effectively contribute to voluntary work in various fields, relief, health care and education. contributes to alleviating the suffering of those in need, while participating in political life. Youth should actively participate in political life, demanding their rights and contributing to formulating decisions that affect their future and that of their country. should defend their country by all peaceful means, reject violence and extremism and work to establish peace and stability.

Sudanese youth face great challenges, including the economic crisis that significantly affects the lives of young people and limits their employment opportunities and development. A large percentage of Sudanese youth suffer from unemployment, which affects their future and threatens the stability of society. to the destruction of infrastructure and the displacement of civilians. It hinders the development process, climate change affects agriculture and food security and increases poverty and hunger.

Family and community play a vital role in supporting young people and guiding them on the right path. The family should strive to instill moral values ​​and civic-mindedness in the souls of its children, and society should provide a safe and stimulating environment for young people to innovate and develop.

The homeland is the security and warm embrace that brings us all together, and it is the shared responsibility that lies with every citizen. Sudanese youth must shoulder this responsibility and work hard to build a strong and advanced homeland. With their will and determination, they can create a bright future for their beloved Sudan.

Messages for Sudanese youth:

Be a good role model for your peers and work to spread positive values.

Invest your energy and creativity in the service of your country.

Face challenges and do not despair in the face of difficulties, because perseverance and determination are the key to success.

Remember your history, remember the glorious history of your ancestors and draw inspiration from them in a spirit of sacrifice and redemption.

Build your future and that of your future generations.

I call on all Sudanese people to unite and cooperate, and work together to build our homeland. With cooperation and solidarity, we can overcome all difficulties and achieve our dreams and ambitions.

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