The hour of victory is approaching ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

Through observation and monitoring of the statements of high statesmen during these days, the signs of victory in the battle for dignity are looming on the horizon, in parentheses or below.

Certainly, the source of these reassuring messages did not come from nowhere and was based on realistic facts clearly observed on the battlefield.

Media discourse in a war situation is completely different from a peace situation, so it must start from honest platforms and be built on a solid foundation of credibility and accuracy.

The annoyance and interest of the international community in its various aspects and in shedding light on the course of events in Sudan did not come out of nowhere after they acquired an indisputable certainty about what they saw of the military victories of the Sudanese army on the battlefield.

Official diplomatic victories in the appropriation of abstract facts from the various international kitchens that prepare and produce all anti-Sudan scenarios.

Exposing the enemies of Sudan and exposing lies, slander and misleading information aimed at distorting and weakening Sudan in the eyes of regional and international public opinion.

The participation of the President of the Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, in local and international conferences revealed the truth about the stability of the state and an eloquent response to its non-collapse.

One of the most important factors for the coming victory is the unification and cohesion of the internal front and its rallying around the armed forces in implementation of the slogan One Army, One People, which astonished and astonished all the hostile circles that sought to drive a wedge between them and the Sudanese army and used all means to achieve their goal, but the magic turned against the magician.

The participation of the joint forces represented in the armed struggle movements of Darfur contributed significantly to these military victories, alongside the Sudanese army, in a sincere heroic epic that rarely occurs except in such situations.

One of the positive aspects of the war is the differentiation of ranks and the knowledge of friends and enemies, especially in many countries that were part of the brotherly and friendly countries. However, their positions in the war were both surprising and unexpected. At that time, the strengths of the countries were exposed and they stood with Sudan and offered their lives and resources so that Sudan remained a sovereign state and defended it with all their might for the dignity of our people and the security of its territory.

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