The importance of applying the concept of administrative development in Sudan ✍️ Professor: Fikri Kabbashi Al-Amin Al-Arabi

The problem of deterioration in Sudan, according to the consensus of many concerned and enlightened people, is mismanagement. Administrative development is considered one of the important issues and requires an efficient administrative apparatus which helps in preparing the plans and then putting them into practice and putting them into practice. carry out work to monitor plans and modify them if circumstances require it. What is meant by administrative development refers to modernization and administrative development.
A number of researchers believe that the concept of administrative development means the overall development of the administrative apparatus of the state and raising the level of its administrative capabilities, in order to enable it to fulfill the functions of the state in general and economic and economic functions. social development in particular, with a high degree of efficiency and effectiveness.
Administrative development is achieved through the development of laws, rules and regulations, the development of managers and employees, the organizational development of government agencies and the development of work systems and procedures, within the framework of an administrative theory and doctrine in which members of society believe and apply its principles.
Administrative development is the effort that must be made continuously to develop the administrative apparatus of the country with the aim of raising the level of administrative capacity by establishing organizational structures adapted to the needs of development, simplifying the work system and its procedures, trying to develop positive behavior of employees towards their agencies and those who cooperate with them, and improvement of the environment that affects the administrative apparatus and is affected by it, in order to achieve the objectives of the management plans economic development with high efficiency and lower costs.
The development and development of the human element is considered one of the most important elements of administrative development, especially in Sudan, because it is the managers and employees who undertake the implementation of state functions . to a large extent on the success achieved in the development and development of managers and employees, and includes the means of development and managers and employees, which begins with the appropriate selection of managers and employees, because the selection must be made on the basis of merit and is dependent on the job description, qualifications and experiences required for the occupant, as well as ongoing training and development, which may result in providing scholarship opportunities to managers and employees for obtain academic qualifications suitable for their work and provide appropriate incentives. They then delegate the powers necessary to carry out the work to managers and employees, because frequent complaints relate to the lack or absence of powers. Finally, the current methods of evaluating the performance of managers and employees must be reconsidered, which must be constructed. on practical and objective grounds, and appropriate rewards and incentives are given in light of this objective.
Teacher: Fikri Kabashi Al-Amin Al-Arabi.
May 10, 2024 AD
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