The importance of laying off North Kordofan water workers and the need to transfer the budget to the water and environmental sanitation project ✍️ Al-Zein Kendwa

_ According to official reports that were discussed in the Cabinet of Ministers of the North Kordofan State Government, the state is suffering from a devastating water shortage due to the complete withdrawal of southern sources due to war, as well as the complete withdrawal of northern sources. due to the power outage.

We find the same official reports proving that the water and environmental sanitation project in the state has made a very significant contribution to reducing the water deficit in Al-Obeid through wells drilled in partnership with the locality of Shikan, communities and civil society organizations. and the Zakat office in the locality of Shikan. These are the only remaining water sources in Al-Obeid. They provide the service of providing water to citizens and animals, and without this, the state government and residents would find themselves in an unenviable situation. position, and the only option for the governor would be to submit his resignation and leave because he was not able to provide (a glass of water to his subjects) despite his many efforts in other issues, and that would be the choice before the city community is to go back to the times of (watering) in tow from Kosti, and this is a story known to generations (70s and 80s) and of course this option itself is completely difficult to achieve due to the absence of the train and the movement of its wheels.

In general, I know and everyone knows too – that there are huge budgets allocated for white water and rural water, but now neither (rural water does not work nor the urban water works) means that there is no maintenance for the continued operation of the pumps. , and there is no maintenance of the networks because of the fractures and the flow of water in the valleys and they are not sad. This current reality requires us to do the following from my point of view:

1/ Take the decision to dismiss all employees, men and women, male and female workers working in the water sector in rural and urban areas, including direct directors and heads of sub-departments, until that electricity be restored to operate the northern springs and that security be restored to the southern springs, in order to preserve their lives and property, so that they are not harmed while working in Katoshiya or elsewhere (God forbid) because there is virtually no work and the decision excludes all male and female employees. and the workers of the water and environmental sanitation project for the great role they are playing in light of this water crisis in Al-Abyad.

2/ Order that all amounts allocated from state finances, in addition to the amounts recently approved by the federal government for the water sector, amounting to (250) million pounds, allocated for maintenance of the northern springs, be transferred immediately to the account of the water and environmental sanitation project in the state, due to the need to rapidly expand the drilling and installation operations to increase the proportion quantities of water production in Al-Abyad because now a barrel of water in the neighborhoods is between (). 3,500 and 4,000) thousand pounds, with the classification of the water product and the determination of its suitability and necessary uses (technical and laboratory calibration), because it is possible to produce water in quantities reasonable, but it is very important and necessary to determine the extent of its suitability for human and animal use…

3/ Any other proposal that would allow the project to play its role of supplying water to citizens during this difficult period.

Any additional proposals will help us keep urban and rural water staff safe at home until this damn crisis is over, with a full commitment to paying all their salaries and allowances whenever the State Department of Finance has federal funds.

May you always stay safe,,,,

Wednesday (May 29, 2024)

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