The Importance of National Consensus in Achieving Peace, Stability and Unity ✍️ Professor: Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi

I believe that the rapid evolution of events resulting from the developments on the ground of this cursed war, which has entered its fifteenth month, and among its most important and clear results, has confirmed the importance of consensus among all political and societal forces on the need to involve all sectors representing the Sudanese people to end these abuses without exception or exclusion of any. Whatever the justifications and arguments, limiting dialogue only to the leaders of the conflicting parties whose caliphate produced the war will not lead to radical solutions leading to achieving lasting peace, implementing true democracy and building a modern state based on the principles of freedom, justice and equality in rights and duties, as well as consolidating the rules of good governance. awareness of the importance of adopting the standards of citizenship and peaceful coexistence in a state of law, justice and equality between all components of society. It is also necessary to emphasize the importance of unity with pluralism, strength with diversity, and work with diligence and diligence. love and peace for the sake of a healthy Sudanese society, and also for the establishment and construction of a true homeland in a modern civil state that includes everyone without exception or exclusion, as well as

The national consensus on the constants that represent the common denominator among all components of Sudanese society can crystallize an agreed national project and can represent a lifeline to move towards voluntary unity and security and achieve the desired peace and development. It goes without saying that achieving lasting peace requires strong determination and cooperation from all components to build trust and agreement in order to turn the page on the past, with its good and bad sides, among all political components for which I do not hide my admiration. The experience of Brazil at the time of President Lula de Salva, and that is why I repeat it again and again, who summed up his wisdom in a short sentence (I am a son of today) … and it was his call that had a magical effect. effect on the people to arouse their enthusiasm and motivate them to work diligently… the results of which have been evident in the great transformation of the Brazilian State, transforming it in a short time from a State burdened with debts to the World Bank to a creditor State to the same bank in less than ten years… and this opportunity must be exploited with planning. The right way to start the process of peaceful coexistence, development and progress for the good of this people, which has lasted for more than half a century. suffers under the burden of poverty, disease, ignorance and backwardness, and for the good of future generations, who have the right to build for them the foundations of a prosperous future and to provide them with decent means of life and a high standard of living. a level of education that meets the demands of the times… and employment opportunities that meet their ambitions and absorb their intellectual and physical energy… And homes in which all the amenities are available, like the rest of the nations that have shaken off the dust of the years and caught up with the countries of the developed world.

Teacher: Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi.

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