The Importance of National Consensus in Sudan on Constants ✍️ Professor Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi

The national consensus on the constants that represent the common denominator between all components of Sudanese society, can crystallize a national project that is compatible with it and can represent a lifeline to move towards voluntary unity and security and achieve the desired peace and development.

I believe that there are many effective, professionally and morally qualified political forces in Sudan who have abandoned their political affiliations and continue to sit on the sidewalks while the country desperately needs their participation in building a modern state…

I also believe that the national consensus on the urgent issues of maintaining security, providing decent livelihoods, achieving democratic transformation with the participation of all active forces of society and preserving the unity of the country… represents the most important priorities.

There should be a consensus among all the living forces of Sudan on the importance of the central authority, represented by the armed forces, and on supporting it with achievements aimed at maintaining security and achieving the unity of society, because the homeland represents the common denominator between all components of Sudanese society, and there should be a consensus on preserving its unity and sparing the blood of all members of its people, regardless of their intellectual orientations, affiliation, ethnicity and geographical regions… But the acceleration of events. and their evolution showed that the nation was in the grip of adversity, the fighting multiplied, the wounds became thicker, and the ropes were mixed with the arrows after the outbreak of this cursed war, which entered the fourth month of its second year, and the moral, academic and professional duty after being exposed to tragedies, lost lives and bloodshed, it was destroyed, honors were violated and property was lost. All this requires a re-evaluation of things and research. from the national point of view to diagnose the situation, overcome and achieve the victory of the homeland … and this is the key to the horse … and the active forces of the Sudanese society must work together in the civil and military components, and I always insist that in Sudan there are many active political forces, professionally and morally qualified, who have abandoned their political affiliations and continue to remain on the sidewalks and that the country badly needs their participation in building a modern state. that it is extremely important that there is a national consensus on the urgent issues of maintaining security and stability with the return of those fleeing the hell of the cursed war, as well as providing decent means of living and achieving democratic transformation with the participation of citizens. all the active forces of society and preserve the unity of the country, which is the most important priority, by preserving the unity and nationalism of the State, which has become extremely fragile and cannot withstand any violent shock, given external aggression.

Prof. Dr. Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi

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