The Importance of Selecting and Empowering Sudan's Future Leaders in the Next Stage ✍️ Professor: Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi

The idea of ​​building future leaders was launched at the World Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 2018, which confirmed countries' interest in creating a generation of future leaders capable of achieving real return on the activities and projects they implement. in the context of global and sustainable development. Indeed, the world has suffered for many years from disintegration, wars and corruption of all kinds, and it needs sincere and courageous leaders, dreamers with unlimited ambition, who think about the present and create the future, who turn the compass towards construction instead of singing about the past or waiting for results without planning them.

It is no secret to any discerning person that countries that enjoy economic, political and social stability are those that have been lucky enough to count on courageous and dreamy leaders who created the future and did not just wish it. They predicted the demands of the future and desired it. They have developed long-term plans to advance all aspects that ensure the possession of power in all its elements, and what others see as impossible, they see as dream leaders are possible. After God, they depend on the minds and arms of millions of people. . They build trust between themselves and the people by taking care of their interests, achieving justice and fighting corruption. When the people trust their leaders, they dedicate themselves to working to realize the leader's vision and implement his plans. by their leaders. As cruel as this may seem to some, they believe that ultimately it is in their best interest.

Anyone who studies the stories of nation building believes that the most important element of success is the presence of leaders who can plan well and are willing to progress and build effective institutions, and who give education the highest priority. attention and care it deserves. graduate skills that represent the true wealth of the nation, and this is what has happened in many Southeast Asian countries, such as South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and, above all, the Japan, which emerged from the Second World War. injuries, poverty and chaos.

I have the full conviction and conviction that young people are not only the leaders of tomorrow, but they are also today's partners of governments, the public sector, the private sector and civil society, among others. Sudan must work to encourage the education of young people of both sexes, from early childhood to the tertiary stage, in leadership styles. The importance of training, including training by women for women, was emphasized and that women leaders and older men and women represented a valuable resource in training young women as future leaders. . It was also suggested that the Transitional Government of Sudan establish or support programs for current and future women leaders and conduct awareness campaigns on the importance of women's participation in decision-making.

The process of preparing future leaders is a dynamic process in which many parties participate, and it undoubtedly differs from one organization to another. Despite the multiplicity of parties involved in the process of preparing future leaders, these parties can be divided into internal parties. within the organization, such as: senior management. In the organization, the human resources department and those appointed to hold management positions, as well as those appointed to hold management positions, play an important role in the process of preparing leaders, paying attention. to the training and personal development of their skills and abilities, and being eager to follow the changes and developments that occur in the different areas of work, And to know their vision of the systems and working methods of the organization and the remaining policies and procedures in and to present the most important problems that hinder their work, as well as the most important proposals that they consider appropriate to overcome these problems, and to know the nature of the prevailing relationships between these individuals and other workers, whether subordinate or superior. This information can be obtained through various methods, including questionnaires, individual interviews, meetings, workshops and discussion panels. There is no doubt that the effective participation of those appointed to occupy management positions is of great importance in the preparation process. second-level leaders, even if its objective is to define precisely the requirements of this process, to work on the development of their skills, abilities, sense of responsibility and belonging, and to eliminate the personal influences of those responsible for this process in the organization. , this requires that these candidates demonstrate a high degree of conscientiousness and honesty, as well as the ability to evaluate themselves and clarify the most significant aspects of their performance deficiencies, in addition to their ability to objectively evaluate others.

Professor: Fikri Kabbashi Al-Amin Al-Arabi

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