The importance of universities applying scientific research in the fields of achieving sustainable development in Sudan within the framework of social responsibility ✍️ Professor: Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi

The United Nations has focused on sustainable development and assigned a division to it. The division began its programme for developing sustainable development indicators in 1994, in cooperation with other organizations. A core set of these indicators has been developed for use at the national level, and they have been reviewed and revised. The Division also assists countries in their efforts to establish their own national programmes to identify sustainable development indicators by organizing workshops and building capacity. The Division also contributes to work related to indicators specific to development goals, including these. Indicators to which universities should contribute with their capacities and human cadres of researchers, who should focus on guiding scientific research on several of the following topics, for example. example:

UN. Scientific research in the field of energy: The use of energy is necessary for social and economic development, but it is linked to negative impacts on the environment. Energy is an essential element of development and human life in general. Providing clean and inexpensive energy has become one of the first tasks of those responsible for raising living standards and combating poverty, as well as reducing the negative effects resulting from it. the misuse of energy, such as the unfair cutting down of forests for wood and charcoal. Which has harmed the environment in two different ways. First, remove vegetation and pollute the air with gases. But since energy is an essential and indispensable element in people's lives. The focus is now on clean and alternative energy such as hydroelectric production, solar energy and wind speed. Therefore, expanding research on clean energy supply is one of the necessary alternatives to achieve sustainable development while preserving the environment. In addition to reducing the poverty rate.

In addition, energy itself depends on complementary elements on which concentrated efforts are needed for its development to be complete. Such as transferring energy from its production sites to its consumption sites. Research on alternative energy itself needs to be supported, to raise awareness and guide the population to know the importance of clean energy and to preserve their environment through the use of traditional energies, which pollute the atmosphere, harm the soil and pollute the environment. water.

for. Scientific research in the field of water harvesting: Water is the basis of life, and pure fresh water free from impurities is one of the problems faced by a large part of the earth's population, especially after the phenomenon of environmental pollution that followed the immense industrial renaissance. in the last century. In addition to the population explosion. Per capita access to fresh water is significantly reduced. Of course, water is offset by the disadvantages of sanitation. The United Nations General Assembly showed particular recognition of the importance of fresh water when it launched the International Decade for Action (Water for Life) for the period 2005-2015 on 22 March 2005.

C. Scientific research in the field of consumption adopts more sustainable modes of consumption and production:

Providing fresh water and clean energy alone is not enough to achieve sustainable development. Changing consumption patterns based on waste, extravagance and irrational spending would waste the efforts put into providing clean energy and fresh water. Therefore, awareness and guidance should be provided to change people's consumption patterns so that they can benefit from the energy and water that have been saved to achieve the greatest possible sustainable development and be able to combat poverty, hunger and thirst. It is often observed that large poor cities consume higher proportions of water and energy. Due to space constraints and to compensate for poor ventilation in housing. With the excessive use of water, I will try to address the rest of the topics on which universities should focus their efforts through research, which represents sustainable development, successively in other opportunities until the system is completed within the framework of fulfilling its social responsibility. ..

Teacher: Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi

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