The indefinite person, Ezzat: Fabrication, lies and fraud ✍️ Dr. Omar Kabo

Our powerful intelligence delivers the final blow to the Janjaweed and resolves the debate over who started the war??!!

Osama Abdallah: Credit is what the enemies testify to…

++ We did not spend three nights together because of the tumultuous article written by Yaraya, the jealous colleague Muzammil Abu al-Qasim, accusing ((the narcissist Wasali)) Othman Mirghani of covering up the crime of the coup 'State of mortal Hemedti, until our intelligence services were able to broadcast a full video of the arrogant, insignificant, insignificant person, Youssef, from inside the radio and television buildings, broadcast a full statement which he had prepared in advance, declaring that the Janjaweed would take the reins. of power in Sudan and declaring the Emirati kingdom of “Al Dagalo” a state on the land of Sudan…

++ These recordings gained their greatness because they cut short the “God honor the hearers” dryness by promoting the lie that the army was the one who fired the first shot. They came directly after Muzamil's article, which highlighted Othman Mirghani. in great embarrassment and confirmed what was certain that Othman Mirghani is a cheap opportunist who plays his card ((sometimes later, sometimes later))000

++ It is very useful to constantly emphasize that the wise people of Sudan know that the late Hemedti had seized the airport of Merowe and El Obeid, had redeployed his forces in Khartoum and evacuated the armored corps of each tank three days before launching the battle. of Karama. They, the Sudanese people, are completely sure who started the war against them??!! No proof or proof is required…

++More importantly, the statement that was prepared contained information that was fabrication, lies and fraud, such as high-ranking army officers joining the militia and Janjaweed taking over all strategic sites and leading the divisions in the capital and in the capital. States…

++But the most dangerous content in this recording is the malicious reference to the fact that the militia had arrested snipers belonging to Osama Abdullah, so that the Sudanese people suddenly discovered that all the accusations leveled against the Islamists after the end of rescue were just outright lies of this despicable kind…

++ Thus they hatched their plot overnight and worked hard to demonize the righteous man, Osama Abdullah, the best who built, the best who arranged, the most generous who gave, the greatest who praised, the most eminent who developed, formed. , and I benefited…

++ It is enough to be proud of having sent thousands of young people to countries around the world to train, qualify and develop their organizational, administrative and practical capacities. They were the reason for the reconstruction and revival of Sudan and Sudan. great development observed during the years of rescue, a remarkable development which will exhaust those who come after him just as it exhausted those who came before him…

++ This is reason enough for them to elect him as a victim among all the symbols of the Islamists as part of a scandalous plan to erase the traces of the salvation of the largest state established on the land of Sudan, with a lasting impact and good governance…

++With these clips, our general intelligence presented clear and conclusive prosecution evidence, documented in history, that there was a military coup for which the deceased Hemedti had prepared and for which all the necessary security arrangements and the required political and media measures were taken, the first of which was the broadcast of a declaration in which the criminal militia announced its takeover.

++ I laughed at the great scandal of the statement because it highlighted that the hiding place of Al-Burhan, Al-Kabashi and Al-Hussein had been identified, and that the shepherd of the sheep was in the open knowing that at this moment When the deceased was lying in his own blood inside the buildings of the general command, Al-Burhan smiled at him from above with a smile of victory, and Al-Nasr drew the sign of victory with his fingers. Then he said the following words. the riders used: ((The people of the tree greet you))…

++The militia needs fifty years to erase its disgusting image among the Sudanese people, but it takes them a hundred years of diligent efforts to erase the traces of this video, which clearly proves that their media room is investigating the lies and practices fraud, deception, cheating. and deception without the slightest embarrassment or embarrassment…

++ This is how the United Arab Emirates sought and seeks to stigmatize the honorable symbols of salvation with terrorism and sin, intimidating them, but forgetting that the will of God is victorious and that the deception is great ( (so they will plot and scheme against Allah, and Allah is the best of planners))000

++ Rescue is an open book that people need to contemplate its pages deeply, attentively and contemplatively, away from greed, jealousy, malice and hatred of others…

++ Rescue is a good man, and the proof is this video that cleared his name from snipers before clearing the name of the immortal symbol, Osama Abdullah…

Omar Capo

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