The indisputable achievements of the Governor of the Red Sea State ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

The governor of the Red Sea State, General Maash Mustafa Mohamed Nour Mahmoud, was able to establish the foundations of good governance and spread justice among the people, so that the wolves began to walk alongside the sheep and not to harm them. This happened for the first time since the birth of the state.

The governor of the Red Sea state, General Maash Mustafa Mohamed Nour Mahmoud, has succeeded in eliminating hate speech and eradicating it from the islands. Affection and love became the dominant language, and enemies became friends who kissed hands and heads and forgot. their wounds forever.

The governor of the Red Sea State, General Maash Mustafa Mohamed Nour, head of the state security committee, managed to eliminate organized and cross-border crime, and Tawila completely disappeared, becoming a part by Zakaria.

The Governor of the Red Sea State, General Maash Mustafa Mohamed Nour, has kept his promise to fight corruption, demolish the strongholds of the corruptors and completely disappear from sight.

People displaced by the war and hosted by the state have expressed their thanks and congratulations to the Governor of the Red Sea State, Major General Maash Mustafa Mohamed Nour, for the 5-star services he provided them provided in school shelters in various parts of the state, knowing that the services provided to them were not provided to them in any of the safe states of Sudan.

Island solutions to drinking water and electricity problems have attracted unprecedented interest from the governor of the Red Sea State, General Maash Mustafa Mohamed Nour. He sleeps there and wakes up.

Our esteemed governor, Major General Maash Mustafa Mohamed Nour, has provided all facilities to Sudanese businessmen and businessmen, and it is expected that in the near future, we will hear the noise of the different factories who turn their wheels, thus bidding farewell to idleness, and all graduates of various specializations working in these factories.

The decision to open the schools was greeted with great satisfaction by the parents of the students. Before that, the esteemed governor prepared the school environment and provided the textbooks and seats. No students sit on the floor while they sit in excellent chairs and drawers. .

I am very honest with you in the time of the venerable governor. You will benefit from comfort, security and reassurance. You just need to pray and pray for success and success after your prayers.

The governor of the Red Sea State, General Maash Mustafa Muhammad Nour, is like the commander of the believers. We must obey him and not deviate from him or even think of criticizing or advising him in front of public opinion. and his heart are open to meet the needs of the people, the team of security guards will not stop you from meeting him. Just go to the government secretariat buildings, and they will definitely welcome you with flowers and jasmine, and they will. be servants to you, citizens, because you deserve more than that.

From today on, we will pray to the venerable governor for success and prosperity, and we will mobilize all our financial capabilities (if any).

After all these great sacrifices mentioned above, we hope that the governor will be pleased with us and bring us closer to him, so that we can enjoy the ritual of obedience to the Sultan, which will lead us to Paradise, God willing.

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