The inspiring martyr Muhammad Siddiq – an overview – ✍️ Raja Mustafa Al-Kamel

May God have mercy on Mujahid Muhammad Siddiq, who did not fear being blamed by a critic for speaking the truth and did not change his words since he stood in the streets in his revolution against injustice and corruption. He remained firm and stationary until God. He gained his confidence. He did not look at his rank and position and did not rely on the world. He was a source of inspiration for the revolution and its youth during his life, loyal and courageous. At a time when the traitors of the nation, the worshipers of money and the internal and external agents sold their cause for dirhams that did not grow rich or fatten with hunger, the martyrdom of Muhammad is a sermon and a lesson for anyone who tries to betray the nation at any point. while the betrayals are varied and many people are shirking their responsibilities towards the land and its inhabitants, some of whom were even incapable of telling the truth and taking a clear position in the face of the ongoing war, whose bitter pain was felt by the Sudanese citizen. , who lost his money, his lands and his forces, and the loss still continues.

Despite the sadness and pain caused by the loss of Muhammad and his companions, this loss will only increase the firmness, determination, strength and courage of the honorable people of the nation to liberate this land from these intruders who have neither religion nor morality. going into the details of the war and its operations through observations and details of the events that took place there, it seems clear that there are internal and external parties that enter the areas of operations, working to strengthen and support the rebellion in various ways, and these elements must be exposed and exposed so that the blood of Muhammad and his companions is not in vain and the efforts of the fighters are not in vain.

Muhammad Siddiq took full responsibility for a country and a people and fought till his death for it and remained steadfast during his life and after his death. This is perhaps a message to all officials holding office at this critical juncture in Sudan's history. tell him that it is not difficult to work for those whom God has entrusted to you and to solve their problems, and that it is enough to make it easier for them, except that you are honest in your service.

Muhammad's courage, fortitude and steadfastness are what we need in all directions and on all fronts and in all issues and crises of Sudan. We need men determined to preserve the dignity of our land above caring for their interests, to work hard, diligently and diligently. jihad for the sake of those who cannot find housing, shelter or food, to bring the concerns of this country and put them in their eyes.

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