The instrument of dignity is a duty for the fight for dignity ✴️ Another angle ✴️ ✍️ Dr. Amna Muhammad Abd al-Rahman al-Imam

For more than a year, generous men stationed in the trenches, offering their blood and lives cheaply, defending the land and honor, their motto is God and homeland, and their motto is victory or martyrdom . These men have a right over us. The invader has invaded, and the least we can offer them is to support them morally and materially. Hence the idea of ​​the Karama Deed was born, which is based on the jurisprudence of expenses ordered by the Koran.

The honorable, driven by the Sunnah of the Prophet and necessitated by the need to stand with these men to support the wounded nation, preserve honor and honor and save money through charity.

The steadfast city of Al-Abyad is characterized by loyalty and has held out its white hands since the beginning of the war and continues to do so, because the men who lead the battle of dignity deserve it, and it is a city authentic, generous and generous. city. The act of dignity falls within the framework of the noble verse (God does not burden a soul with more than it can bear). The denominations of the deed were graded from a thousand pounds sterling and each offered what he could. , we witnessed the stampede of businessmen and corporations in a local Shikan hall as they answered the call of homeland and dignity in a majestic scene resembling white. And to its inhabitants, we ask God to accept it.

Our support and advocacy for our armed forces and regular agencies is a moral and patriotic duty, and a call to patriots and honorable people. Is there anyone who will answer?

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