The International Fatwa Conference.. A global call to build the ethics of the future – something for the homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

The world is witnessing rapid transformations that affect all aspects of life, including moral values ​​and individual and collective behaviors. In the face of this challenge, the holding of the Ninth International Conference on Fatwa in Cairo sends a clear message about the importance of international cooperation in building more moral and tolerant societies.

This conference, which will be held in Cairo on July 29-30, represents a unique platform that brings together an elite group of scholars and muftis from various countries of the world, to exchange experiences and ideas on the role of fatwas in addressing contemporary challenges. This intellectual gathering aims to establish and develop a comprehensive and integrated vision to address contemporary ethical issues, to determine the roles that religious institutions can play in this regard, to strengthen dialogue and understanding by building bridges of communication between different cultures and religions, to strengthen dialogue between followers of different religions, and to confront… extremism by presenting a moderate Islamic vision that preserves the authentic values ​​of Islam and adapts to the demands of the times, which contributes to confronting extremism and terrorism, and to spread religious awareness by taking advantage of social media to disseminate correct fatwas, correct misconceptions and strengthen religious awareness among young people.

Our current era is witnessing a tremendous development in the field of technology and information, which has greatly affected the way people think and interact with each other. In this context, it is imperative that religious institutions keep up with this development and take advantage of this technology to spread their message. The conference emphasizes the importance of leveraging social media platforms to disseminate correct fatwas and direct discussions towards a proper understanding of Islamic law and its values. Through these platforms, it is possible to reach a large segment of youth and provide satisfactory answers to their questions and requests.

The world faces many complex challenges, such as climate change, migration and poverty, which require comprehensive solutions that transcend national borders. The conference calls for strengthening international cooperation to address these challenges and underlines the importance of the role of religious institutions in spreading the values ​​of tolerance and coexistence, and that building a strong global ethic requires the combined efforts of all parties, including governments, international organizations and civil society. By working together, we can build a more just and peaceful world.

The International Fatwa Conference represents an important platform for dialogue and understanding, and underlines the importance of international cooperation in building more ethical and tolerant societies. The messages that emerged from this conference carry with them great hope for a better future.

But let us leave some questions for reflection and understanding in the next articles, including: How can religious institutions benefit from artificial intelligence to spread religious awareness? How important is interfaith dialogue in building a more peaceful world? How can a fatwa contribute to resolving social and political conflicts?

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