The Jabit incident… requires the escalation of confrontation with the enemies..!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas See More

*The most important result of the treacherous and cowardly incident of Jebet, which targeted President Burhan today, is that it has further “enlightened” every jealous patriot the details of the conspiracy against Sudan, the homeland, the people, the army and raised the ceiling of the feeling of the need to “intensify the resistance” against the enemies with their different names, and the incident has also allowed the military leaders to show double-mindedness by adopting an (alternative strategy) for the current confrontation that realizes (the initiative), effectiveness, presence and (continuation) of the rebellion and its helpers to their (homes), and then what is more (urgent) is the activation of the (popular armed resistance), which represents the (strongest) auxiliary arm of the army. treat it as an (important) national necessity, and we must eliminate (the reluctance) to arm it and (train it) to use various types of weapons, so that it can fully fulfill its national duty, and the experience of (People's Defense) is far from us, and the most important thing in this matter is that we do not pay attention (to rumors) that aim (to destroy them) by calling them party affiliation, i.e. (naive propaganda) and that those to whom they refer are Sudanese (by birth) and that it is their (duty) to defend their homeland and their people despite the noses of agents and traitors..!!*

*The conspiratorial enemies who adopt methods to kill and liquidate symbols and leaders do not realize that they are helping the target by “making them aware” of their conspiracies and “motivating” them to raise the levels of “defense” for themselves and “They have developed advanced methods of resistance… and now it is “stupidity” that leads the way. They stood behind the Jabit incident to denounce (their betrayal and lies). They call for (negotiation) and a halt to the war. at the same time (they fan) its flames and convince our people that there is no alternative but (to fight and pursue them) to hide. No matter how great the (sacrifices), either we will be or we will not be. but we will be victorious, God willing, and the rebellion and those who support it will disappear..!!

*The military leadership is faced with the (challenge) of adopting the method of rapid movement, massive deployment and the use of all weapons (to completely eliminate) the cancer of rebellion, so that not a single footprint remains on the land of Sudan, so there is no other option than that, so will you do it…?!! Have we not achieved it, O God, so bear witness..!!*

*We will write and write…!!!*

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