The Janjaweed and the extermination of the population of Rahmaniya… After (20 years) history repeats itself ✍️ Al-Zein Kandowa

The massacre committed by the leader of the Rapid Support Forces militia, Hassan Rabeh, and his soldiers against the residents of the village of Al-Rahmaniyah (formerly Dalq Al-Tub) in the central rural administration of the locality of Um Rawaba in North Kordofan State, brought back to Sudanese memory the history of all the atrocities committed by the same military militia in the main states of Darfur during the year (2003_2004) when the fighting broke out. are intensified between the National Congress government and its deposed president, Omar. Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir and the armed movements demanding Darfur, and while most of the fighting was engulfed by the armed movements, the government resorted to the help of militias led by Muhammad Hamdan Dagalo (Hemedti) to resolve and break the conflict. the backbone of the rebellion. Hence their dominant slogan (system – speed – determination) and all this is done in exchange for making money, and in order to obtain money and power, Hemedti and his collaborators have become the brutal hand of (Islamists and Hemedti and his soldiers committed atrocities against the population of Darfur and, through their behavior, they provoked the uncontrolled aggression, in accordance with international conventions and laws, which imposed multiple sanctions on the National Congress government in due to its excessive killings, genocide and ethnic cleansing, burning of villages and burning of the people themselves, and the situation continued like this until the fall of the National Congress government during the Glorious Revolution. December.

After the December Revolution, which launched the revolutionary slogan (the Janjaweed are dissolved), unfortunately, exactly the opposite happened, and this military force developed, and the glorious (poor) Revolution of December was marred by many negative events that led us to war. (April 15, 2023), led by the Support Militia Commander. Rapid action against the Sudanese army, and within the first week this war veered off course and its objectives became completely clear. It has become a war against everyone. defenseless Sudanese citizens and a serious effort to completely change their Sudanese identity. Their memory took them back twenty years, remembering the events of the year's Darfur War (2003-2004) waged by Janjaweed soldiers against defenseless civilians. the time by burning them in their houses in the villages, and all the violations which finally brought the cases of the leaders of the National Congress government to the International Criminal Court and charges were brought against the head of state Al- Bashir and some of his government ministers.

And now history is completely repeating itself after twenty years, and the proof and proof of this is what happened to the village of Al-Rahmaniyah (Dalaq Al-Tub) in terms of burning houses and killings and of burning the innocent inside, killing the defenseless. women and men with guns, and killing and burning children in the worst humanitarian crime, not so long ago, and all this happened at the end of the third week of May of the year (2024), and before these events, other similar events occurred in most of the rural villages of Umm Rawaba locality in North Kordofan State, such as Sheikh Mukhtar region, Al -Ghabsha, Umm Khairin, Abu Awa, Wadashana, Al-Dafina, Abu Hamra Al-Quoz, Al-Mahatta and Umm Dabaker There are so many villages that I can't count them.

It appears that according to the Janjaweed (Rapid Support Militia) plan, the owners of the cows will have the villages, agricultural and pastoral lands of the Abu Habal agricultural project, south of the railway, and the national asphalt (white – Kosti), while camel and sheep (sheep) herders will have the residential, agricultural and pastoral lands north of the national asphalt and north of the Abu Habal agricultural project, which are sandy lands consisting of plains and dense with hashab and other trees, and pastures free from diseases that affect animals throughout the year, Hassan Rabih, commander of the Rapid Support Militia (Janjaweed) in Umm Rawaba, burned, killed and displaced the residents of the village of Al-Rahmaniyah, marking the start of the war. implementation of the studied and systematic plan. Against the civilian population who practice manual and sometimes mechanized agriculture to ensure their food and economic security, and therefore we can say that history repeats itself with the transfer of war crimes, genocide and ethnic cleansing of the States of Darfur to North Kordofan State ((the similarity of the crime comes from the same institution as the perpetrator)).

Here, the ethnic villages of Al-Jawama'a, Al-Badiriyah, Dar Al-Hamid and Al-Shuwaihat will certainly be the first villages in which the plan will be implemented because they are characterized by fertile and vast lands, with paths and exits cross them, and their presence in life hinders the implementation of the plan.

_ Generally speaking, implementation has effectively begun in the Al-Jawama'a stronghold in the Al-Rahmaniyah region (formerly Dalq Al-Tub) and will continue at missile speed unless she does not find any real “brakes” which make this strategy abort.

For all of the above, we await urgent international condemnations, emergency sessions of the UN Security Council regarding violations committed against civilians in North Kordofan State, and the issuance of arrest warrants. arrest and arrest orders enforceable against all militia leaders for committing atrocities and war crimes. against civilians, punishable under international humanitarian law.

# We will provide you with more details later on:_

1/ The number of people who died due to fires inside their homes.

2/ The number of children massacred and burned.

3/ The number of pregnant women, young women and men killed by direct fire.

4/ The number of displaced people and the villages that welcomed them.

5/ Everything related to these crimes.

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