The Janjaweed march and strike with an iron fist – sharing is a homeland – ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I extend a patriotic greeting, but also a tribute of peace to all my sincere patriotic people who stood firm in the face of a comprehensive plan that has no other goal than to destroy Sudan and divide it into states after plundering its wealth, using the tools and blood of the terrorist militia of the Daglo rebellion and their collaborators, including embassy agents and shameless spies.

Despite their plan to start the war, they failed to break the steadfastness and virility of the Sudanese people, who were not strengthened by this war despite the bitterness of their suffering, including displacement – looting – rape – killings – destruction of infrastructure, services and violence. public and private property. However, all this did not make them deviate from the right path, from victory and support for the armed forces of our people, our regular services and the mujahideen in the battle of existentialism, for the dignity and pride of the Sudanese people.

Today, the shameless soldiers of his lie are mobilizing to hold the Geneva negotiations, which constitute a lifeline for their return and the Hemedti rebel militia to the post-war scene.

The pressure being exerted now is a way to convince the Sudanese people, who have the mandate, to stop the war and sit at the negotiating table to manage the peace dialogue, which appears on the surface (no to war), but inside, it is capitulation in view of the return of those who want to bring Sudan back into the fold of the new world colonialism.

The cessation of the war and the negotiations must not undermine national sovereignty and the pride and dignity of the Sudanese nation, and it is not possible to recycle the waste of the rebel militias and shameless agents who appear and return to the Sudanese scene.

Now the Sudanese robe must be purified from all the filth and impurities that are there, by striking with an iron hand to eliminate the fifth column and the tremors that are the descendants of Ibn Salul.

In addition, to cleanse the joints of the state of the insolent weevils that eat them and to deter the trials of all the corrupt who took advantage of the war conditions to plunder and waste public money.

A state of emergency must now be declared throughout the country and a general mobilization must be carried out, because the Jebit incident has clearly shown that the war has deviated into other dangerous paths for which one must always be fully prepared for all expected and unexpected scenarios.

From this we say that a people who have endured all that has happened to them during a period of war in which all the inhuman practices and violations that have happened to them have taken place will not be incapable of continuing to show firmness and defiance in the face of what is coming; they will be fully prepared to face it with patience and courage, but with a determination and morale that embraces the sky because they have a good cause to defend regarding it.

Our message to all those who seek peace imposed from abroad and an end to the war against the Sudanese people. This will not be achieved for you. This nation rejects everything that carries the scent of the foreign because it is a face of hateful colonialism. the people of the country humiliated to serve its agenda.

A war that was unleashed in shame after their failure to regain the seats of government, in which they used their military weapon, the barbarian Dagalo militia, with the full support of the evil state and the global forces of arrogance. after the failure of the lie of democracy and the civil state through which they wanted to pass their poisonous agenda, so they revealed their true ugly face with a war on the ground and in the media, rumors and a battle that destroys. the economy, but we tell them and behind them are the masters of evil. We are a people whom God has blessed with Islam and independence, after great sacrifices made by this proud and proud people, high as the mountains. We will no longer return to the bosom of colonialism, whatever the plan established, and we will continue to confront all the conspiracies that have been told through this war. Let us make the country safe and let the hour of victory ring, God. arranged

May God accept the martyr Ismail Haniyeh, who fell as a jihadist against the Zionist entity in a war of truth in favor of the Palestinian cause, thus setting the most wonderful example of the leader who then rose through the ranks among the Hamas leaders who preceded him and his family, whom he sacrificed as a sacrifice for religion and the cause.

Tomorrow, those who have assumed leadership will emerge for you, continuing the path of truth, for which the fire is not extinguished and for which the standard does not fall.

Call for a united victory of our people's armed forces, our regular services and the mujahideen on all the borders of my country. May God accept the martyrs, heal the wounded, release the prisoners and return the missing to their families safely. He is the Almighty, Lord of the Worlds.

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