The Khartoum Process Initiative, New Horizons under the Egyptian Presidency – Something for the Homeland – ✍️ Eng. Salah Ghariba

In an important step, Egypt took over from Germany as chair of the Khartoum Process on April 30, 2024, returning once again to the leadership of this vital initiative that aims to regulate migration between the countries of the Horn of Africa and Europe. This presidency comes at a time when the region faces numerous migration challenges and provides Egypt with a golden opportunity to play a central role in resolving this complex issue.

The Khartoum Process is a political initiative launched in 2014, with the participation of European Union countries and countries of the Horn of Africa, with the aim of strengthening cooperation in the field of migration and mobility . objectives, in particular: establishing a continuous dialogue between Member States to strengthen cooperation in the field of migration, and identifying and implementing projects to combat human trafficking and migrant smuggling, helping Member States to improve their capacities to manage migratory flows and promote. economic and social development in the countries of origin of migrants.

The Egyptian presidency of the Khartoum process carries great responsibilities, but it also offers Egypt an important opportunity to play a leading role in resolving the migration issue at the regional and international levels, as Egypt has extensive experience in the field of migration, given its privileged geographical location on the main migration lines between Africa and Europe. It has a long experience of cooperation with African and European countries in this area.

The Khartoum process will face many challenges in the future, the most important of which is increased migration flows. Member States engaged in the process are facing increased migration flows, particularly from countries suffering from conflict and poverty, and organized crime, including human trafficking. and migrant smuggling, poses a major threat to the Khartoum process. Member States involved in the process also suffer from a lack of resources necessary to implement their projects and programs.

Despite these challenges, the Khartoum Process can seize many opportunities in the future, the most important of which is to strengthen cooperation between Member States, because the Khartoum Process can strengthen cooperation between Member States by exchanging best practices, by providing technical assistance and supporting economic development. In migrant-exporting countries, this can help reduce migration and address the root causes of migration, such as conflict and poverty, through development projects and programs.

The Egyptian presidency of the Khartoum Process represents an important opportunity for Egypt to play a central role in resolving the migration issue at the regional and international levels. Through hard work and cooperation with Member States, the Khartoum Process can achieve its goals and improve living conditions. migrants and the countries that export and supply them.

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