The latest warning signal after the collapse of a dam?! – The face of truth – ✍️ Ibrahim Shaqlawi

In our previous article entitled (War hinders the maintenance of water harvesting projects), we stressed the importance of maintaining these dams and talked about the importance of paying urgent attention to their maintenance… so that our country does not face a humanitarian catastrophe due to possible collapses that are difficult to manage given the concerns related to the war… maintenance work has been interrupted for two consecutive years due to the loss of security. maintaining these projects and preparing them for new storage could lead to a humanitarian catastrophe due to the increase in rainfall rates this year 2024 AD. Yesterday, as we expected, this caused a partial collapse of the Arbaat Dam in the Red Sea State… according to local media. By cutting off the national road leading to the city of Port Sudan… which led to a complete stoppage of traffic and disruption of the flow of trade and goods… due to torrential floods that caused the dam to fill with water, the storage capacity of which had been reduced earlier due to siltation… This year, rainfall rates have increased in eastern Sudan as several regions of the state have been hit by torrential rains. rains that exceeded the usual rates, causing huge losses in human lives and property that increased the suffering and pain of the people… despite the participation of a number of official, civil and youth leaders of the state in the campaign to rescue people stranded due to the torrential rains that swept the north, the city of Port Sudan, which affected the areas of Hadidabab, Arbaat and other areas, led to the partial collapse of the Arbaat Dam, which is, as we explained, the largest water collection system. dam in the Red Sea State. Local media confirmed that the state government led by Governor Mustafa Mohamed Nour had reviewed the damage caused by this disaster and launched treatment guidelines on the ground, especially around the flood-affected area of ​​Arbaat. Civil defense forces have also started rescuing the stranded people. It is clear that we are facing a humanitarian crisis that requires urgent intervention by government agencies represented by the Sudanese Ministry of Irrigation, according to their jurisdiction, alongside other government agencies and relevant organizations… in order to alleviate the human suffering of the affected people.

Arbaat Dam is considered one of the most important water collection dams in the Red Sea State. It is located north of the capital, Port Sudan, about 20 kilometers in the village of Arbaat. Near the dam are freshwater springs that are fed annually by groundwater. , and they are considered one of the most important sources of drinking water for humans, animals and agriculture. With its collapse, the city of Port Sudan lost an important source of water. The dam was established in 2002 with the aim of combating thirst. and improving the state's water supply. Experts believe that the water from the Arbaat Dam is sufficient to solve the state's problem during the summer drought if the necessary measures are taken to treat the supply and increase storage efficiency. the capacity of 13 million cubic meters of additional water to support the water situation in the state. Although the increase in the percentage of siltation in the dam has reduced its storage capacity, work had to be carried out to eliminate it as part of the annual dam maintenance projects that were carried out by the Sudanese Ministry of Irrigation in cooperation with the state government… so that it is able to carry out its basic tasks of conserving water during the rainy season… and benefit in times of drought… It is also known that the state is preparing to build a new dam in the Arous region to provide 6 million cubic meters next to the Wadi Tay Dam and the Hindub Dam… which provide. 12.5 million cubic meters of water.. These dams, together with the excavations and wells, have provided invaluable support in solving the Red Sea water problem by providing 27 million cubic meters of water.. as part of the Zero Thirst program.. implemented by the government. of Sudan in coordination with the organizations The International… whose work has been interrupted since 2019 AD due to political instability and the cessation of funding for water harvesting projects… Maintaining and establishing these important projects is considered part of the Sudanese government's strategy to achieve water self-sufficiency and solve the problem of thirst in the countryside… as the population eagerly awaits the periodic maintenance and until the completion of these major projects that will improve their quality of life and provide new employment opportunities for them… despite the increasing challenges facing local governments… as officials have made great efforts to address these crises and provide the necessary assistance to those who are thirsty during the summer periods… so I hope that measures to maintain these Dams and excavations as well as the construction of new dams whose work has been interrupted must continue. These are therefore important steps as they contribute to ensuring adequate protection of a number of areas against flooding and ensuring the necessary water supply to the local population during the summer. With the continuation of work on these major projects, we hope that the government and international organizations will be able to provide the necessary support to continue the work as soon as possible once security has been established, as this will contribute to strengthening infrastructure and improving the level of services provided. In this way, we can achieve sustainable development and improve the quality of life of citizens in a number of Sudanese states. Once again, we say that the reality requires urgent intervention to address the collapse of the Arbaat. A dam that portends a humanitarian and environmental disaster, in addition to a drinking water crisis during the coming summer. This is the latest warning signal for other dams that are at risk of collapse if we do not take the matter seriously. for the concerted efforts of all local and regional efforts to provide the necessary funding to address the challenges facing our country in times of war, in addition to maintaining the water harvesting dams as quickly as possible. These projects represent water security for the population and an opportunity. to advance and develop the countryside comprehensively. In addition to its contribution to the stability of humans, animals, agriculture, educational and therapeutic services, increasing employment opportunities, the return of displaced persons… and the establishment of security and peace.

May you always be well..

Sunday, August 25, 2024 AD.

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