The launch of the train of reconciliation and tolerance between the councils of Beni Amer and Hadendouh in Port Sudan ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

Despite the high temperatures in the city of Port Sudan, which reached record highs, accompanied by terrible fluctuations in power cuts, this did not deter the men.

At the generous initiative of Mayor Hamid Muhammad Adam, the engineer of reconciliations between the Beni Amer and Hadendoua clans, Dar Beni Amer in the city of Port Soudan hosted a meeting between the leaders and symbols of the Beni Amer and Hadendoua clans, hosted by the representatives of the two tribes of the Red Sea State.

The reunion is a true beginning and the beginning of forgetting the past, overcoming bitterness and working together for the future.

Both sides agreed on the need for unity, rejection of violence and elimination of hate speech, especially at this sensitive stage in Sudan's life.

(Come on, accept and come to us)

This phrase above was and still is the slogan of the policy makers and those who hold the joints of the state when the leaders of the two tribes demand their rights to share power, wealth and various rights. I wonder what their response will be today. when they learn the news of this meeting, and this is what the next few days will discover.

The speech of the Hadandawa delegation today in front of their brothers, the Beni Amer glasses, was honest and transparent. This is what I felt through their body language, which matches their words with their actions.

Despite the kidney failure that has invaded the body of Mayor Hamid Muhammad Adam, the engineer of reconciliations between the Beni Amer and Hadandawa clans, he is today at the peak of his vitality and activity and addresses those who know the history of joint cooperation between the Beni Amer and Hadandawa clans. two tribes.

The speakers brought both parties together to move forward on the path to comprehensive reconciliation and not return to square one and miss the opportunity for those with a subversive agenda who seek to create conflict and distance between the two parts.

The delegation of Hadandawa supervisors is led by MP Nazir from Hadandawa in Red Sea State and includes among its members former Minister of Finance of Red Sea State, Muhammad Taha Othman, former mayor of Port Sudan, Majzoub Abu Ali Majzoub, former commissioner of Haya locality, Ibrahim Taher Kuwal, Professor Muhammad Al-Hassan Taher Hayes and others.

The representative of the Nazir of Beni Amer in the Red Sea State, Muhammad Ali Mahmoud, today mobilized all of his members, including mayors, sheikhs, symbols and intellectuals, leaders of Beni Bitter, and their tone says: Welcome to peace (and if you have taken two steps, we will take with you 1,000,000 steps, and we have promised the ground with you, and our actions will follow our words).

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