The leader’s speech, the first team, Yasser Al -atta – The truth is said – ✍️ Howaida Muhammad Ahmad ((Farwa))

A member of Sovereign Council for the Silence in the Souls today we write and say that the first team, Yasser, spoke of his silence since independence and what has been inherent at the heart of many leaders who have circulated the leadership chair
But he did not disclose him to the loss of courage by telling the truth.
He worked in the south of Kordofan, commander of the fourteenth division, Kadhli
People shared their joys and joys, during which they touched their aspirations and aspirations, and in this hadith, he was able to answer the big questions of lunch since 1965
And the establishment of the General Union of the Nuba mountains, is what Nubia wants ??
Learn from the experience of the current war and the junction of the joint forces of the armed forces during the call of the class and that war is a war of dignity.
.. and from these experiences and lessons concluded that the central question is the question of justice, the justice lost in many official and popular transactions which are governed by law and that everyone is equal to rights and duties
In the second point of view of the hadith of this leader, who came out of the heart, we can say that this hadith needs a change in the stereotypes of the leaders so that thought is outside the beaten track, that is to say outside the familiar setting
To create a revolution for real change at official and popular structural levels
To find a transformation of the Sudan of the post-war
A change that needs a social will and a desire stems from inside people who embodies a tangible reality in everyday life that increases the degree of satisfaction with regard to the rule and eliminates the injustice of people
These first change tools are to agree on the constants of this change which are not linked to the parties, to a specific system, or to a specific ideology, or to a period of time, provided that these constants work, starting with respect for different cultures and to manage the diversity fairly to embody the principle of accepting the other and the reverse
On the media and their application in study programs and programs and the cessation of what increases ethnic, ethnic or regional sensitivities at all levels and popularity
This is prohibited by law by imposing deterrent sanctions against all those who violate these constants, and audio, visual and readable devices must be reduced
Continuous development projects and procedure in the issue of laws and decisions related to social and economic justice through Sudan with followers of accelerated compensatory policies, in particular in the fields of relative discrimination, to cause a rapprochement in the standard of living and the services
Find a Sudanese doctrine and a Sudanese doctrine which does not come up against beliefs and religions
The combat doctrine of the Sudanese armed forces is a model for strengthening the prestige of the State in order to show a national institution independent of the divisions of the company.
The idea of the safe idea is the responsibility of everyone and that its protection is not solely on deterrent institutions, and this is followed by the laws which are tried to relax to exercise the duties of protection and the fight against the manifestations of escape which suggest that the law is not respectful.
Finally, we say the need to review foreign policies and deal with neighboring African countries while examining the laws that grant citizenship and the question of citizenship and its conditions and for whom it is granted
The provisions of control over the principle of interests in the principle of the interest of the State
May God give success to the leader, the first yasser al -atta
He has proven that you are a man for all stages of war and peace, and we ask God to help others at all levels
Oh my God, I have reached God, I testify