The list of donors is topped by Dr. Al-Nazir Saleh Jadalrab. Kosti and Qali organize a financial effort to support the armed forces with 250 million pounds.

Today, in the local hall of Kosti, the Committee of Armed Popular Mobilization and Resistance of the localities of Kosti and Galli organized a major financial campaign of support and support for the armed forces of the two localities, which aims to raise an amount of two hundred and fifty million. books to support and support the armed forces.

It is with the participation to support and support the popular resistance in the localities of Kosti and Qalli, which tops the list of donors, Dr. Al-Nazir Saleh Jad Al-Rab, who donated two million books, and it is not near the doctor who supports the armed forces and the accredited military hospital of Kosti in charge of Bouabida Omar Ajabin, the executive director of the locality of Kosti, and Professor Issam Abdel-Jabbar, the Executive Director of Qali Locality, Mr. Ismail Nawai, Chairman. of the Supreme Committee for Popular Resistance of the State, Engineer Adam Bashir Al-Helu, the leader of the popular resistance in the locality of Kosti, Mr. Salah Al-Ballah, president of the popular resistance in the locality of Qali , and a group of leaders from both localities, youth, students, women, civil administration and members of popular resistance from the state and localities.

The executive director of the locality of Kosti welcomed the broad participation of popular resistance in this rally, which is a continuation of the series of continuous support from all components of the state's society, which affirmed their strong position alongside the armed forces in the battle for dignity against the terrorist militia, announcing the support of the locality of Kosti for this rally to the tune of seven million pounds.

Mr. Issam Abdel-Jabbar Faragallah, the Executive Director of Qali locality, said that his locality will spare no effort to support and allocate the armed forces and exploit all its capabilities to support and support the war effort in sacrifice for the good of the homeland with money and men to clean the country of these bastard mercenaries. He revealed local support for this group amounting to five million pounds, stressing that the process of support and mobilization will continue until security, peace and mobilization are ensured throughout Sudan.

For his part, the head of the Supreme Committee for Armed Popular Resistance of the State, Professor Ismail Nawai Al-Sayyid, confirmed that the committee aims, through this movement, to support men, with their money and their soul , alongside the armed forces against the rebel militia and their traitors, conspirators and paid collaborators. He said the committee continues on the path of supporting the armed forces and stands with them to the end so that every inch of the country's soil is liberated.

For their part, the leaders of the popular resistance in the districts of Kosti and Qali affirmed the efforts of the armed forces, other security services, Mustafarin and the Popular Resistance Committees in the battle for dignity against the Janjaweed, emphasizing that this stage requires more support and support for the forces stationed at the borders, unity of the ranks and continued support in money and men in order to preserve the homeland and protect its gains.

The door to donations was opened, in which qualitative and civil leaders participated, reflecting the extent of citizens' understanding of the seriousness of this step, which requires everyone to provide sweat and effort to make this effort of protection of the earth and honor a success. The local council of Kosti was unable to attend despite the small number of donations which are not comparable to those of Kosti and Qali, who provided before, but much is expected of them in the battle for Sudanese dignity and for glorify Dr. Al-Nazir. , who has always remained at the forefront

In this context, the popular resistance of the state announced the continuation of support and support operations to include all localities in the state. The participants praised the role of the state governor in supporting the Sudanese Armed Forces and supporting him in whatever is necessary.

The ceremony took place in the presence of creative professor Salah Kosti, who supported the Sudanese army with all his strength.

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