The locality of the nation, with its ethnic, cultural and social differences, is harmonious and coherent with each other

The Executive Director of Al-Mattama Locality, Mubarak Fadl Idris, confirmed that specific schemes were developed between all the signatory parties and approved by the administrative and judicial authorities in order to bridge the gap and resolve the border issues between the villages of Al-Nahda, which took a long time, and were discussed at the meeting of the Committee of Good Offices and Rapprochement, headed by the Executive Director of Al-Matma Locality. Everyone announced their approval of the agreement in order not to divide the community that was united with the armed forces, especially since the Mutama community, despite its ethnic, cultural and social differences, was harmonious and cohesive among itself, which led to a unity that resulted in a solid and satisfactory solution for all parties.

For his part, Sheikh Awad Jadallah explained that the committee concluded to reconcile the dispute and that there was a consensus between the relevant administrative committees, which, in addition to good offices, reached an agreement in a good spirit so that people return to their way. were in terms of commercial and other relations, stressing the importance of strengthening the social fabric.

The Chairman of the Good Offices Committee, Amer Jebba, confirmed that all administrative committees responsible for implementing the agreement have approved it and that it will be implemented soon.

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