The long-awaited beloved is back – the session is a homeland – ✍️ Ahmed Muhammad Al-Hassan Othman Shendi

I send a national greeting to all the inhabitants of my country who are determined in a war whose methods are varied to try to destroy a proud homeland and the people of Abi Aziz. But we tell them: “No way”. will remain a mountain that no wind can shake, and its inhabitants are an extension of the story of the heroes of which Karari is said to have spoken of men as fierce lions.

Today we are talking about a system that has been systematically targeted to destroy it, because it is the beating heart which, with our armed forces and our regular services, constitutes the safety valve of our country . These are General Security and Intelligence. Service.

We mention here that the beginning took place at the time of their ill-fated revolution, which was the first point of devastation that hit Sudan and its people, the fierce targeting campaign against the employees of this institution and the number of dismissals under the pretext of Kizan. phobia, which affected qualified elements for whom the state spent money, so that the agency became one of the most powerful agencies not at the level of the African continent but at the global level.

The matter did not end there until Hamdok and his group appeared at that moment with this dirty charade of Operations Authority rebellion, a step which certainly fit into the carefully planned scenario aimed at empowering and deploying heavy support forces in all strategic locations and locations. They were placed in the headquarters that empowered the Operations Authority forces. He played his role with great effectiveness in managing any plan to target the capital in the context of urban warfare. The increase was instead achieved by taking control of the headquarters, fully equipped with equipment. and equipment.

The majority of the Sudanese people did not believe Hamdok's story, as they knew of the heroic roles that the Operations Authority continued to play in combat theaters and in securing cities, and perhaps the last d Among them was on the borders of beloved Sudan at the time. of tribal conflicts triggered by the impudence between the inhabitants of the region, Adrubat and Nubia, who lived in peace until the era of Al-Qahata.

There is another charade that the Sudanese people remember, and that is the so-called assassination attempt against Hamdok, the details of which have not yet been revealed despite the help of CIA agents. It was of course also manufactured for political purposes. which is to increase Hamdok's actions after their decline, but as our people say (God's purpose, they will not increase).

In general, after all this systematic campaign of sabotage, life returned to this apparatus, which remained stable after the promulgation of the law restoring the powers stripped from it during the shameful era of the miserable, allowing its role to be informative only. and publishing large reference lists targeting its best members. The beginning certainly came when the sons of the Commander-in-Chief's Operations Commission stood up in response to a call. The homeland, God willing, has been the best support for the armies. regular forces and agencies in the battle of Karamah, so the compass changed on the ground and terror spread among the rebellion and agents, so the slogan was “Safety, O Gene” from the military and retirees who responded to the call in a single unit. .

Today, the Security and Intelligence Service returns to us after the end of military operations, thanks to Almighty God, the armed forces of our people, our regular services and the mujahideen of the popular resistance, who provided their support and their support. for our forces in the Battle of Karama.

The beloved and long-awaited General Intelligence and Security Service returns to us, and we face the battle of misleading media and rumors, and the mother of all battles, the battle of the economy, because they have a long history and distinguished experiences in both fields. God have mercy on the Joker and his companions who were targeted in a plan by international intelligence services, but we tell them that the Joker is dead. Sudan is capable of growing a trillion pranksters.

As for the economic file, the economic security people know that ants crawl there and put every mouse in their hole. Perhaps the warming that has begun has struck terror into the hearts of all weak souls, including crisis traders and dollar speculators. and we tell them, this show is still the movie.

I wanted to convey a bright and joyful image of the immense joy of the patriotic majority of the population of my country following the decision to restore the powers of the Security and Intelligence Service, a decision that I had been waiting for for a long time with great anticipation. impatience. I hope and look forward to the decisions that will be made, first and foremost the formation of a war government and the completion of the designation of military allegiance.

I end with a message to the people of my country. The terrifying giant is back. The fierce lions are back. The long-awaited beloved is back.

We ask God for victory for our armed forces, our regular services and the mujahideen. May God accept the recovery of the martyrs. Release the prisoners, unharmed. and its people in complete safety. He is the Mighty One, Lord of the worlds.

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