The Manama summit is disappointment, remorse, and no condemnation. A new line point…. – Buttes and banks – ✍🏾 A. Abdul Sattar Abbas Khalil

On Thursday, May 16, the ordinary Arab Summit, which bears the number (33), was held in the Bahraini capital, Manama, and in the luxurious Sakhir Palace. It met for the first time in Bahrain, to discuss many issues. which, of course, is at the forefront.

Israeli aggression against Gaza

In total, Arab leaders discussed 23 topics related to the problems and crises of the region, especially Sudan, Yemen, Libya, Lebanon and Syria, of which President Bashar al-Assad participated in a remarkable development. end of isolation.

Syria International and Arab

Sudan was represented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the President of the Sovereignty Council, His Excellency Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, did well to apologize (the gentle fall of the machine gunners made this understood )

▫️ That the summit talks about Israeli aggression against Gaza is, for my life, a subject that deserves to be addressed at several summits. We all see the Israeli death machine as it harvests Gaza's children, its elderly, its residents. women, its youth and its patients, and it demolishes buildings over the heads of its inhabitants in a shameful crime, in light of the silence of the international community and the protection of the United States of America (and in their hands ). ) this old man who bears the burden of the blood of the children of Gaza and the groans of its women and of all the mourners, oppressed and downtrodden who are there.

I think he's like the worst president

Passing through America!!

This subject was important, so the summit had the right to devote most of the time to it given its importance!!

▫️We expected the summit to give priority and importance to Sudan in its second topic, but out of timidity and perhaps shame, the topic of Sudan was

The war has been raging for a year or more

Here is what was declared at the end of the summit (of remorse), sorry, Manama!!

About Sudan

▫️We express our full solidarity with the Republic of Sudan in preserving its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity and in preserving the institutions of the Sudanese state, foremost among which are the armed forces.

Nice words about the armed forces, and I think that's the only good thing that came out of all this (comes out)

But know that there is a systematic destruction of state institutions, to which an active and present member of this summit contributes!!!

▫️ We call for commitment to the implementation of the Jeddah Declaration to achieve a ceasefire that ensures avenues for humanitarian assistance and the protection of civilians. Yes, that's what they said!!

Note that a member state participating in the summit has an air bridge between them.

(And Umm Jars) No relief… nor

For the good of humanity…

But arming the militias to kill and displace the Sudanese people, as is happening now, is a matter of familiarity among cowboys in the far south of the Philippines.

Except the leaders of our Arab summit, they know nothing about it

No condemnation for this member!!

Isn't that a disappointment?!!

▫️The summit urges the government and the Rapid Support Forces to seriously and effectively engage in initiatives aimed at resolving the crisis, including the Jeddah Platform, neighboring countries and others, in order to end the ongoing conflict , to restore security and stability and put an end to this difficult situation. of the Sudanese people.

What is this betrayal?!!

The government and rapid support are one-handed and urge them

There is no condemnation of rebellion, no denunciation, no denunciation!!

As we know, what happened as a result of this brutal support was a rebellion.

Except for these leaders, it is different, because they (Uthad) and this member (Emirates) also.

(He urges and provides) the militias with weapons and everything to kill the Sudanese people

No conviction!!

Look at the enormity of the disappointment

▫️ Finally, Al-Ghumma spoke about water security and mentioned that

Water security for Egypt and Sudan is an integral part of Arab water security!

Is there any disappointment?

more than that ?!!

Death everywhere, rapes, violations, displacement, homelessness, refugee status, systematic destruction of the state structure

A number of countries rushed to invade an important member of their (so-called) league.

They seek water security!!

What is this mockery, what is this nonsense, what is this arrogance, arrogance and devaluation

Do you think we are that stupid?!!

Is our problem now water?!

Unfortunately, these are (exits)

The Manama summit that made you cry!!

This is what Arab leaders told us at their 33rd summit, and I wish they would do it (wait)

▫️Does Khartoum deserve all this ingratitude and denial on your part?!!

▫️Does Khartoum deserve all this from you when it is known for its strong historical positions on Arab issues?!!

▫️ Have all these presidents been unable to send even one voice of blame to the Emirates, which has the upper hand in starting the war and in its continuation until now?!!

▫️ Has the power of money become stronger than values, principles and morals? And this money, with its power, is capable of preventing so many leaders from telling the truth?!!

God bless you, Sudan!!

Sudan will recover!!

Sudan will win!!

Seal of Manama

She represented disappointment and remorse to us, and she was incapable of leading or condemning…

May you live long

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