The media gap – in reality – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, the lawyer

Media of the rebellion, professional plans deals
With the event in this sense…
This increases the rate of bullying and reinforces an idea
The legend…
He markets his microscopic victory to become one
A sound that makes us fear…
He ignores his defeats and paints them gray
To hide its vibrations…
The idea is to draw a strong and invincible giant…
It enters the sphere of space to immerse us deeper within ourselves
The spirit of defeat…
On the other hand, our media does not reflect the positive…
He doesn't believe in the inventions he promotes.
He falls into the mud of deception and hypocrisy…
More than a year has passed and we have gained no experience…
We have not exploited our capabilities to move forward in this context…
When the cannons rang out and the fire broke out…
Spontaneous reactions from citizens
Alongside the army…
They did not wish for his fall, but rather to accompany him with their prayers…
This is the real secretion of excrement…
Nausea persisted during the years of the revolution…
Hopefully the army will take the initiative…
Despite the loss of positions, his firmness was beyond doubt…
Despite time, anticipation and expansion…
It was not the howling and the weakness that were achieved, but rather the blue…
You start supplying the army with menstruation…
Officers and soldiers made sacrifices…
The one who fell was a martyr, he did not lose his support
The rest is stability…
Despite the removal of the sites, no
A match for him despite the disappointment…
War is a back and forth, a victory and a defeat…
Victory is not achieved through weapons, but rather through the support of the people…
The moral aspect always makes the difference…
So that disappointment and fear of tomorrow do not set in, we must strengthen our flags…
By creating emotional content that restores balance…
Facing the flags of rebellion on all lines
I think she's creating the event…
Put an end to the false lies broadcast in the media…
Wiping away a burning tear caused by a false agenda…
With indifference, the country will lose a lot…
He will lose confidence, if that happens, it's the beginning of the fall and the end…
This is the goal of the rebellion in its media battle…
He walks towards us and we stand in your place…
He is waging a war aimed at our support for the army…
It reduces our confidence, leads to tragedy and disaster…
Individual attempts here and there are indivisible.
Some empty barrels make noise…
The martyr Muhammad Siddiq, the rebellion was hired
His martyrdom…
Some rebelled, some began to betray, and then…
Some cried weakness…
Provides points that would not have been possible if we had prepared
A proactive media plan…
She used her positive side…
Speaking of bad preparation, bad equipment
Lack of ammunition, betrayal…
Betraying our partners who gave martyrs…
What makes them angry, unties the knot…
War is not fought with weapons, but with words…
It proactively paints a picture of victory or defeat…
Resets the pace of the moderate step…
By broadcasting messages, you know where the shoulder is eaten…
Rebellion media depicts fear and death…
He sows destruction, defeat and terror…
Psychological defeat, and we don't know how to change the situation…
Absent, we read, we witness the discontent in the safirs…
Campaign to betray army leadership continues
Silence is everywhere…
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