The Ministry of Higher Education responds to (The Edge of the Sword) – The Edge of the Sword – ✍️ Muhammad Al-Sadiq

0 Last Sunday, I sent a letter to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr. Mohamed Hassan Dahab, with the complaint of the citizen, Mr. Fadlallah Al-Dhakhira, in which he spoke about his son at the Faculty of Medicine of Dilling University. In truth and frankness, I did not expect the minister or his office to respond to it because I had already sent him three complaints during this space, including a complaint about my son, whose problem still exists until now, which I will list after the comment I received from the office of the Minister of Higher Education in response to Professor Fadl's complaint, it is a brief response, but it clarified the truth, as was stated in the response. .

Dear brother, Professor Muhammad Al-Sadiq. May the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. Please inform us about your article regarding the student of the Faculty of Medicine at Dilling University. Indeed, there was some delay, and today. we asked the Dean of the College to prepare for the Council of Professors that will take place in the coming days, knowing that the preparation of the students' academic records took time, but now it is. We are ready, and in fact, we have exploited all our capacities at the Faculty of Medicine, even though we saw that the situation had collapsed, but thanks to God, we have restored it to its health and very soon, all the issues will be resolved, God willing. This was the response of the Minister's Office, and we reiterate our thanks and appreciation to them for their interest in the complaints and problems of the students.

0 I return to the problem of my son, who graduated from Al-Nasr Technical University (information technology) and we attended the graduation ceremony with him a few days before the war broke out, and when we wanted to get the certificate, they told us that he had an attachment, and this is an obvious slander. He does not have an appendix and they were not sad. They asked us to pay the fee for the appendix examination and we mentioned to them that he did not have an appendix. His colleagues who were with him and who had appendages testified to this. and said that they were ready to swear on the Holy Quran that he did not have an appendix.

0 Personally, I knew why the university administration said that. They said that because I criticized the organization of the final exams for female students in Nile State, in addition to criticizing me for paying the fees a second time and not arranging accommodation for female students, and what is the fate of female students. who live in areas of dangerous states, and my daughter was among the students who took the exams. For this reason, the university made my son take the exam extra and paid the exam fees. We are ready to prove it with conclusive evidence and witnesses. If the ministry does not give us justice, we will go to the judiciary. There is unlimited trust in the Sudanese judiciary, and whatever its decision, we will accept it.

0 Therefore, we still have great hope that the Ministry will look into this issue related to the future of a young man whose only ambition is to work for the good of his dear homeland and its bright future, God willing. We have confidence in the Ministry's action in the face of this complaint that we submit to you, asking God for your continued success and payment, and that Sudan may better regain its pride and dignity, which was with the permission of the One and Only.

And tomorrow, Sudan, you will grow up..

Stay higher and stay cooler

0 Tomorrow, God willing, we will continue if there is any remnant of life left. I swear there is no intention behind this.

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