The most despicable trinity.. Emirates_drought_militia ✍️ Khaled Haj Ali Aroub

Throughout their treacherous war against our country and our national civilizational identity, the brutal rebel militias have continued to draw strength from cries of drought on global channels and regional forums held on hotel balconies and crumbs of the Salul family with a supply line traced by the Emirati imperialist band This dirty trinity has exhausted.. (drought of the militias of the Emirates) an unprecedented scourge to destroy the country and put in work (democracy) on. The cascades of bloodshed of the people, their displacements and the erasure of the civilized identity of the country, but far from it, the army and the people were present with the majesty of history and foiled the plot by defying and remaining steadfast from the first ball. ..
Qaht and his master, the Emirates, believed that meeting them would destroy the Sudanese army and wipe out the country's national identity. They therefore distributed the roles according to a well-thought-out plan. The Emirates continue to supply weapons and mutilations, and the Emirates continue to supply weapons and mutilations. treacherous militias rape, kill and massacre the Qaht drummers and shout “No to war” over dirty tunes and cracked records are played by the people… like (The Remnant War_Tarfi) thinking that they would subjugate the people of the country ). and it was All these boring CDs are supported by a fully funded media machine in the name of the despicable democratization project.
However, the people were present, in solidarity with the army and entrenched with the soldiers in a unique cohesion which was not foreign to a people nourished by pride and sacrifice and raised in epics of pride and bravery. .
They expelled Qaht into exile and pursued him to the suburbs of London, Geneva and France. The old and the young took up the gun together, and the media and arts people lined up, and they could not lead the progress of the march. the land of the Kanana. The field has narrowed for them. Those who were hit were hit and those who fled because of the injustice of the Sudanese street, which they had deceived by the Qaht regime, the lie of the 21st century. century. They present the worst and unique experiment in governance that has taken place in the history of humanity since its birth, an experience characterized by shamelessness, cowardice, shame and submission. In the hands of the outside, with a lack of experience and poverty of thought, and a committee called for the removal of empowerment, it only succeeded in presenting acrobatic and clownish characters who appeared in a broadcast weekly television show based on a black comedy called clowning, clowning, and dislocation…
The Emirates then learns a lesson and learns that the Sudanese people have not been defeated by a state, but rather will be exhausted, and that the Emirates will inevitably end up crying.
As for the Janjaweed militias, I think they learned lessons in tactics and skill. Their human mass has been destroyed, and they won't be helped by bot tweets, loud screams, or the screams of a progressive clown. jungles of Africa and elsewhere. Here is the militia taking its last breath. On the contrary, (beating the drum) the progress package and the heroes of exile will not help it, and supplies from the UAE will not increase it. shaken, suffering from the lack of combat personnel and suffering from the soldiers It has become scattered, weak, hungry, and our army, our soldiers, our sons, the forces of our people, our mujahideen, our jihadists and all those who attack the homeland advance and advance on all axes, day and night. , and they wreak even more murderous havoc on them. And very soon our country will be free from the filth of the Janjaweed.