The mud soles escape! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

Kikel, from the island, sheds crocodile tears in the mourning pavilion for the death of the head of the Military Information Division of the island militia. He details the monuments he erected for fear of being accused of killing him because of an old situation. Kikel wants to put neem paper to cover the conflicts that arise every time between his members and the influential tribes of the militia, and he does not know that neem paper can do it. It is also easy for him to be visited by light winds after whistling, each time he hides from one hole to another for fear of a fate that is inevitable for him. He has already drunk part of his cup when he hears the murder of (an empty chief) every time and his head shakes every time!

The Sudanese Congress Party remained silent like the graves after the death of one of its cadres and quickly merged into a form with (dakwa) and lemon that the restaurant cooked in El Fasher. God did not grant them a written obituary clip because (Al-Shinah is. denounced). The peri Qarn Shatta, one of the cadres of the Majd League for Satak now (We hate Hatab)! They say no to war and most of their cadres fight alongside the militias. On the contrary, they fuel the fire and sprinkle water on it, deceiving people into believing that they are a tool that falsely extinguishes the fire.

In the days that passed, the “rotten” system was struck with astonishment, sorrow and shock after what Al-Harith did in terms of its position in the face of the international will, and a debauchery was reflected on them, and cups of immorality were circulated among them. them, dancing in drink, until they got drunk and departed to the other world, imagination, body and mind. Every time they tried to build a structure of sticky clay, Ali would sigh. Their heads, now we no longer hear any fanfare and we. they see no flour except failure and the return of what they spent from a garden that has become a barren desert.

Two days ago, the United States sent a report to the militia leadership asking for details about the assassination of one of their Sudanese employees in their embassy in Khartoum after he was arrested at his home east of the Nile until his death. At that time, the United States sent an order like this, which means that the relationship between them and the militia has begun to enter a situation in Abha, the militia will not react to the murder of the embassy employee, but will categorically deny it. , and the case will conclude that it was committed by undisciplined people with whom they had nothing to do.

El-Fasher spoke of huge victories, hitting the solid base of the militia every time it attacked it, and the destruction of its influential leaders, starting with the assassination of Ali Yaqoub and other senior officials, some of whom appeared on the surface and others from whom they hid. Many of their forces fled irrevocably after witnessing an unbearable hell and feeling that their leaders were leading them to the Holocaust, with premeditation and premeditation, those of them who died in El Fasher, their number increases geometrically every day. progression

From my post I look… where I see… that the mud sandals have begun to escape, and their falling black mud, we see it from time to time on the side of the road after having let their feet run in the direction of the wind. Is it not time for this victory that we see to be dismantled?

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