The multiplicity of initiatives prolongs the crisis and increases its complexity ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi.

The multiplicity of initiatives and platforms aimed at containing the Sudanese crisis is considered the root of the scourge, and Sudan has become a fertile ground for the left and the left to assert themselves on the Sudanese political scene.

Sudan has become a solid ground for settling regional and international scores for those with an agenda, and a real battlefield for the Axis countries, each with their own views and interests. They do not care whether Sudan survives or not. It is the same for them.

When I met His Excellency Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki Abraham in July 2022, he repeatedly warned me of the danger of foreign interference in Sudanese affairs, and he supported Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue, within Sudan, and without external dictates.

Unfortunately, our Sudanese political parties do not have the ability to decide for themselves and are managed remotely from across the seas. Whoever does not have power has no decisions, so I do not count on them and do not expect a solution to come out of their hands.

He who mortgages himself and his dignity to a foreigner in order to win his affection and work to please him will certainly not return and will not return well to his country and his family, because his concern for himself and his personal interest does not matter if Sudan and its people sink to the bottom of the seas and oceans.

Hundreds of local, regional and international initiatives aimed at finding a comprehensive political settlement to end the bloodshed and war are useless, pointless, tasteless and odorless and end on time and in front of the cameras at the inauguration ceremony.

The same faces and personalities gather today in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, and with the same petrified mentality, the same sick hearts and souls, they say what they do not do, blame each other and exchange accusations of destroying Sudan and the The result is zero. Tomorrow they will return to their places of residence in the capitals of the Arab and African countries, and they will return to Sudan and its people.

In truth, these politicians care about themselves and their relations with the countries that host them. They are trying to implement their agenda, and if this meets the interests of Sudan, then they should not care about the suffering of Sudan and its people, so do not care about them and place your wishes on them. These people are not among you, and you are not among them.

These politicians live on another planet, far from you, even though they claim to be among you and work for you, this lying lie, this broken record and this worthless slogan with which they have deceived the Sudanese people for some time.

Oh, these politicians, the Sudanese people no longer have the courage to listen to your misleading and false statements because they have been decimated by war and their decrepit and exhausted body has been destroyed by the multiple blows and blows to the face of the sick person.

With our respect and appreciation for all the efforts made by the friendly and brotherly countries that claim to work for Sudan and seek to strengthen relations between the two countries, the wrong start from the first moment in diagnosing the disease and issuing a wrong treatment prescription, and the patient has certainly not recovered and will not recover, but will become more and more sick.

It is impossible for one who cultivates bitter melon to harvest sandalwood, and for one who sells his country in the slave market for a few dirhams it is very difficult to win the love of Shu'bah, and one who engages in work and earns his living does not gain the respect of the people (a free woman does not eat from her breast).

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