The National Congress… between the anvil of political efficiency and the hammer of rumors ✍️ Khaled Haj Ali Aroub

Yesterday I saw on social media rumors and fake news that there was a split in the National Conference cabin, and when I read this news I did not believe it because it came in the context of the General Secretariat of the National Conference, and we all know that the conference system is a presidential system as much as it is not a system (secretariats and departments) because the rumor was as follows: The Secretary General of the National Conference (Ibrahim Mahmoud) is leading a split, etc. .. Note that the National Conference does not adopt in its system the system (secretariats and departments) as an organizational structure, because its system is also (presidential) and its president himself cannot be a secretary general, because he is a president who came according to the conference, General Shura, in accordance with the organizational and legal regulations of the party, I had to investigate what was happening, I activated my phone and worked to communicate with the leaders of the National Congress to confirm the rumor and what. was happening in the corridors of the party active in the Sudanese political scene.

After investigating and communicating with a number of leaders of the National Congress at home and abroad, especially the front rank, I learned that this matter was nothing more than a stupid rumor from the party's opponents and opponents, and that the National Congress Party is very consistent and is a leading and pioneering party. It is also a party established according to rules and regulations, and it is not possible for it to have such bad promotions from some people as the rumor says.

Even if he assigns the party and changes its structures, it is a matter of routine to complete the party structures and restore its sectors. It seems to me that the National Congress Party will take bold and effective political steps in the upcoming political scene of the country. and it will be more present, because it has the political effectiveness with its wide name and broad popular bases that it enjoys in the Sudanese street. Perhaps these things will exhaust its opponents and opponents of other parties.

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