The new equipment has arrived and entered service – it's no secret – ✍️ Ahmed Babakir Al-Makabrabi

In recent days, the new equipment arrived in Port Sudan, and now it has entered service in Khartoum and the rest of Sudan until reaching western Sudan, and now it is operating with great efficiency. Forces that have used it have been amazed by its accuracy and the fact that it hits the target, just like you would a fighter.

Today, fighters are happy with this new equipment that Sudan received from friends in several countries who knew the war was over.

They are trying as much as possible not to lose credit for helping the Shaheeb of Sudan, who is facing a major plan by many countries trying to divide Sudan and plunder its wealth through Al-Daglo terrorist militias, but the Sudanese people fell in line.

Behind its armed forces, including the misled youth of the revolution

During the December Revolution, when the phrase “It's okay, it's okay, we don't have an army”, it was replaced by “It's okay, it's okay, we are all one army”, after having read the agents’ plan. and traitors, Freedom and Change, and the Central Bank, including Hamdok, who was deceived by him as an economic expert. After that, Sudan experienced economic decline for decades.

The youth of the December Revolution came to their senses, having understood the central project of freedom and change and progressed

Now, they are organizing themselves for the reconstruction phase of what was destroyed by the war…

Now all the Sudanese people know that the first enemy of the Sudanese people is the Zionist State of the Emirates, to which the Sudanese people contributed to its reconstruction and greatly contributed to its revival, and to this day, Sudanese donations continue to flock to the Emirates in honor of the people of the Emirates, who were afflicted by rulers who became slaves to Zionist Jews…

So, at the end of the article, we say that the Sudanese people choose who will lead them by electing them through the ballot box.

After the reconstruction of Sudan.

Gentlemen, I refer you to the new equipment which is now in the hands of the Sudanese Armed Forces to continue its progress more quickly

Because the new equipment works stably against snipers in high-rise buildings

Sniper bullets do not pose a threat to new equipment

Armored even against missile attacks, even the Al-Daglo terrorist system has never been seen before except on the battlefields and in the mother of all battles, the battle for the dignity of the Sudanese people who tasted and swallowed the bitterness of Al-Daglo. terrorist militia.

With the murders, looting, displacements, evictions from homes, forced disappearances, arrests, and all the immoral and inhumane practices of the Al-Dagalo terrorist militias…

One army, one people against traitors and agents

*May you stay safe, people of Sudan* *Dear………….*

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