The Nile, a joy amidst the pains of war – Trails – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen

The artist has put down his brush and stopped pacing back and forth, near or far, around the painting, perhaps noticing what needs to be added or removed. In the language of fine art, this means that this painting is finished and the artist has put it down. down his brush. In such a situation, the artist or creator experiences an inner joy and sits (grimonizes) like a reed fire, even though he sits alone with his painting without a companion.

The governor of the Nile, Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdel Majid, and the minister of education of the Nile, Ahmed Hamid Yassin, are two companions, and behind them are huge armies of teachers and students who are in a permanent state of “grim” or “smiling”, because the board on which they put its first line is dated November 5, 2023 AD. The past was completed on August 6, 2024 AD.

Between these two dates, the school year ended in Nile State at the primary and middle school levels with full success, despite the challenges and difficulties encountered before, during and after its commencement. The governor worked hard, the governor. The minister persevered, the teachers sweated and exhausted their bodies, and the students stayed awake with more fatigue. Ending the school year with examinations and announcing the results is more precious than gold.

And on the day of the Nile, she (the groom) with Harira and Al-Daira presents the history of civilization and science in the most beautiful biography. The hooting that resounded every day at home and families, neighbors and relatives exchanged congratulations and wishes. These students have reached a milestone and headed to a new milestone. This is the biggest challenge for the Nile State, and education has been a model for normalizing civil life despite security challenges.

If the wishes that some Sudanese sang for peace with the artist Mohamed Wardi were (the place of the prison is a hospital) and (the place of the bullet was Asoura), then the people of the Nile State have made this slogan a reality in times of war, walking with two feet, and this is the challenge. Congratulations to all the successful students. Congratulations to the educational family of all localities of the state who made the impossible possible and said with one voice: “The hand of. the impossible will be decided.

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