The Nile governor, addressing the convoy of the Bisharin tribe heading towards the armed forces in Khartoum, highlighted the distinction between the tribe and the convoy.

With love, Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdul Majid Abu Qarun, the governor in charge of Nile, hailed the Bisharin tribe and described them as one of the distinguished tribes. This happened while I was addressing him in front of the tribe. headquarters of the General Secretariat of the State Government in Damer, the big convoy of Bisharis heading towards the armed forces of the State of Khartoum, in the presence and participation of Professor Othman Muhammad Othman, Secretary General of the State Government.

The governor spoke about the struggles of the Bisharis tribe, known for their heroism, chivalry, chivalry and generosity. He added that this huge and distinguished convoy is not surprising for the Bisharis, who were the first tribes to take the initiative to support. and supporting the armed forces since the start of the Battle of Karama and providing money and men. The governor stressed that these convoys represent the most eloquent message to the entire world that the Sudanese people stand with their armed forces to defeat enemies and agents. stressing that the Nile State has placed all its capabilities at the disposal of the armed forces until the enemies are defeated and the country is rid of the filth of these mercenaries.

For his part, Superintendent Muhammadin Hamid Karar, Superintendent of the Bisharians, affirmed their solid and strong stance towards the armed forces, which provide the homeland, land and honor. He confirmed the continuation of support convoys. of the armed forces, and added that this convoy was an initiative of the young people of the tribe and that all members of the tribe had contributed to it.

The leader of the Bisharin tribe, Mr. Nafi Muhammad Nafi, saluted the armed forces and the regular forces in the face of this aggression and the great plan which targets the identity and resources of our country, stressing that the Sudanese people, with all its components and the tribes, now stand with the armed forces and welcomed the efforts of the Nile State government, led by the governor, towards mobilization, mobilization and resistance programs and the initiative to launch popular resistance and convoys of support, assistance and support.

We note that a number of mayors and sheikhs of the Bisharis participated in the caravan program, in addition to the mujahid Sheikh Adel Abdul Latif and the mujahid, son of the tribe, Haitham Al-Khala, and the participation of a number of poets of the tribe who ignited the enthusiasm of all, and the voices were raised with takbir, applause and slogans from a row behind the leader, an army and a people.

We note that the convoy contains a large number of camels and food

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