The Nile governor meets with the leaders of Rizeigat and the Coordination Council, affirming their support for the armed forces and the unity of Sudan, and declaring their refusal to have their name used by rebel militias.

Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdul Majid Abu Qarun, Governor of the Nile, confirmed their warm welcome to the people of the Ziara tribe during his meeting in his office with the delegation of the Rizeigat Coordination Department inside and outside outside the country. , led by the guest, Issa Aliyu, head of the delegation, in the presence and participation of members of the state security committee, the general secretary of the state government, the director of the state local government and leaders of civil administrations. And popularity in the state

Mr. Governor stressed that Nile State represents mini-Sudan as it encompasses all the tribes of Sudan, especially in the mining areas and markets. Mr. Governor praised the approach of the Rizeigat people and their movement to support and sustain the country. armed forces and rejected and denounced the violations of this militia and rebel mercenaries, stressing that the State is experiencing complete and complete stability in all aspects of life and reviewed the efforts and initiatives of the Government of State on how to manage the crisis through close coordination. between the state executive and security agencies and working as one team.

Members of the state security committee praised the moves of the Rizeigat and the coordination committee, their bias in favor of the armed forces and their elevation of the interest of the nation above all other interests.

The Chief Secretary to the State Government welcomed the visit of the coordination delegation to the State and highlighted the organizing movement in the State.

The guest, Mr. Issa Aliyu, head of the delegation, delivered an additional speech. He spoke about the goals and objectives of the creation of the Rizeigat Coordination and the meetings that took place with the President of the Sovereign Council, Commander-in-Chief. The head of the armed forces, members of the Council and a number of state leaders added that one of the objectives of the coordination is to clarify to the Sudanese people the confusion surrounding the theft of the tribe's language by the rebel militias and misleading the public. public opinion to cover up the crimes committed against the homeland and the citizen in a way that the world and history have never seen before, killing lives, violating, degrading honor, displacing citizens, occupying their homes, intimidating trustworthy people, sabotaging and burning the public. and private property, as well as other destructive practices for the Sudanese people, Aliyu added that the Rizeigat are part of the Sudanese people. The country's major tribes are present in most states and have a storied past. and patriotism. It is honor enough for them to be the first tribe to celebrate the country's independence and receive President Al-Azhari, may God have mercy on him. She also received President Abboud, may God have mercy on him, alongside the Egyptian president. Gamal Abdel Nasser, may God have mercy on him, added that a tribe with this history would not soil its history, and he indicated that we are with the unity of Sudan and against the lie of the State of 1956, in which Sudan lived. The proposal to achieve independence in Parliament was presented by the late MP Dabke, from the People of Darfur, and the second proposal was proposed by MP Jumah Sahl, from the People of Kordofan. Aliyu added that what is happening now is a major conspiracy. The country said it refuted the false accusations and mocked Kizan State's statement. He added that there were leaders affiliated with Islamic leaders who were now on the side of the country. The Aliu Militia affirmed its full support and support to the armed forces in the battle for dignity as they face this aggression and the grand plan against our country. He said: “We will not allow the name of the tribe to be misused as a tribe. who participated. “In independence and in national decision since independence until now, we will not allow the division of Sudan. Aliu praised the government, the citizen and the people of Nile, who welcome all who have come to the state. and gives them support. He lauded the state government’s initiatives towards mobilization, mobilization and people’s armed resistance.

A number of leaders of the delegation spoke and explained the Rizeigat's position on the start of the rebellion and the advice they provided to the rebellion leaders, emphasizing that their visit to Nile State had with the aim of communicating with the population and people of the state and to clarify the tribe's position on the ongoing rebellion events, they declared their full support for the armed forces as they ensure the protection of the homeland, the land and his honor.

A number of state leaders, symbols and notables spoke at the meeting, including Nazir Abdul Majid Ayoub Bey, Nazir of Mirfab, Prince Hassan Bashir Kafut, the prominent leader of the armed popular resistance and Civil Administration, Mr. Abdul Rahman Ali Adam, on behalf of the Quran, and a number of Nuba and Ababda leaders appreciated the coordination step and his announcement of their support for the armed forces, praising them for the great role of the Rizeigat tribe. in all areas, emphasizing that the criminal has no tribe for him, and emphasizing the support and support of the armed forces and rejecting and denouncing the violations of this militia and rebel mercenaries.

We note that the Rizeigat coordination delegation will meet with many leaders and symbols of the state's civil administrations and visit some localities to reflect and consult on coordination to support and assist the armed forces in the battle for dignity , to completely resolve this issue. rebel militias, and abort the foreign plan which targets the identity and resources of the nation.

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