The Nile Governor offers his condolences to the martyr Muhammad Siddiq and confirms that all Nile youth are Muhammad Siddiq and the state disobeys any traitor or agent.

Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdul Majid Abu Qarun, Acting Governor of Nile, extended his condolences to the family of martyr Muhammad Siddiq over the loss of the martyr in Masid, Awlad Jaber, Al-Bawalid region. ​Al-Matma locality, with the participation of Mr. Mubarak Idris, Executive Director of Al-Matma locality, Mr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, Executive Director of Al-Damer locality, and Mr. Ali Muhammad Hazloul, leader of the resistance. The popular community of the locality of Al-Matma and a number of leaders, symbols and notables of Al-Matma and Shendi.

The governor took pity on the soul of martyr Muhammad Siddiq and all the martyrs of the Battle of Karama. He spoke about the feat of the martyr having known him for a long time and described him as heroic, courageous, truly patriotic and self-reliant. sacrificing for the homeland. The governor asserted that the martyrdom of Muhammad Siddiq made all the people and youth of the state rush to defend the motherland and land and honor. He added that the blood of these pure martyrs is the dowry of those supported. victory of our armed forces, God willing, over these fragments of rebel militias, mercenaries and agents. The governor affirmed that all capabilities of the state are at the disposal of the armed forces until the great and united victory is soon achieved, God. The governor announced the allocation of land to the martyr's family and his young children in the town of Shendi.

On his part, Sheikh Siddiq, the father of the martyr, expressed his thanks and appreciation to Mr. Governor and said that he was the first to call us when he was in Port Sudan on an official working mission when the news of the martyrdom was announced. He spoke of the virtues of martyrdom and his desire for martyrdom for the sake of the homeland, land and honor. He added that the martyr, since the beginning of the events of the rebellion, had devoted himself to jihad and remained preoccupied. Driving out this rebel militia and mercenaries from our country, he toured all the camps of Al-Karama in the localities of Shendi and Al-Matama, urging young people to mobilize to fight these enemies, and he dedicated all his time to this noble objective. and announced his complete satisfaction and forgiveness.

A number of the martyr's family members spoke about the martyr, his enthusiasm and pursuit of martyrdom, and his passion for the nation's issues and concerns.

Some poets from the region also competed, listing the characteristics of the martyr Muhammad Siddiq, inherited from his fathers and grandfathers.

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