The Nile Governor receives the Minister of Interior and the meeting focuses on the need to strengthen coordination between the Nile States, Kassala, Gezira and Gedaref in matters of security.

Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi received Abdul Majid Abu Qarun, Acting Governor of the Nile, at the Al-Damer Police Guest Palace, Major General Maash Khalil Sairin, Minister of Interior, in the presence and with the participation of members of the police. state security committee and a number of police leaders from the country and state.

The Governor welcomed the visit of the Minister of the Interior and the delegation which accompanied him, noting the importance of such field visits and his presence on the ground provided additional insight on the state situation, particularly at the state level. security conditions in the state. Mr. Governor confirmed that all security agencies in the state are working in complete harmony and harmony through the state security committee. He added that the state lives in security, safety and stability, thanks to God, and then thanks to him. the efforts of the state security services. The Governor highlighted the close coordination between the executive and security agencies in the state, which has contributed to the great and comprehensive stability witnessed by the state in all areas, especially development. The Governor also reviewed the state's efforts and initiatives in mobilization and mobilization programs, the Dignity camps and the popular armed resistance, as well as the organizational structure that the state has initiated in the framework of unification efforts to be in the interest. to mobilize society to defend the homeland, the land and honor.

For his part, the Minister of Interior expressed his strong praise for the considerable and appreciated efforts of the Nile State in all matters, including mobilization and alert programs, service programs and reception by the State of the large number of those who The Minister commended the distinguished performance of the State security services and the distinguished experience of the State in joint gatherings and the achievements obtained by these gatherings in maintaining security. safety and security. the economy

Members of the state security committee welcomed the Interior Minister and reviewed security performance in the state, stressing that everyone is working as one team, fully committed and attentive to security of the homeland and the citizens.

For his part, Major General Salman Muhammad Al-Tayeb, Director of State Police, welcomed the visit of the Minister of Interior and the accompanying delegation, describing it as an important mission that strengthens the security process in the state and contributes to achieving further progress. safety monitoring and coordination among all state agencies and agencies to advance work in all areas.

We note that the Minister of Interior participated in the meeting of the state security committee, headed by the governor, chairman of the committee.

We emphasize that the meeting highlighted the need to strengthen coordination among Nile, Kassala, Gedaref and Al-Jazeera states in order to eliminate negative phenomena and practices as well as any security threats. We also emphasize that the meeting highlighted the need to remedy the situation. the organization and legalization of the foreign presence in the country and the State.

We note that the Minister of Interior will meet with the state police and inspect the injured in police and military hospitals.

Mr. Governor, Mr. Minister of Interior, members of the security committee and security and police officials inspected the Atbara hospital and examined the consequences of the major accident that occurred on the Atbara road -Port Sudan, in which around 8 people were killed. were killed and more than 40 were injured. They offered their condolences to the souls of the martyrs of the accident and expressed their sincere wishes for a speedy recovery to the injured. We note that the accident occurred between a tourist bus coming from the city of. Rabak and a tractor

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