The Nile Governor returns to the state after a successful visit to the state from Turkey, which resulted in the establishment of partnerships and alliances with some Turkish states, the establishment of large factories in the state, and the arrival of Turkish investment delegations to the state soon.

Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdul Majid Abu Qarun, Acting Governor of Nile, returned to Nile State after a successful visit to the state from Turkey, during which he was accompanied by Dr. Najda Al-Zubair, Minister of Livestock in the state, Prof. Othman Amara, Director of the State's General Administration of Investments, Prof. Ismat Al-Awad, Director of the Governor's Office, and Prof. Jamal Mahmoud, Director of the State's Protocol.

The governor and his delegation began their visit to Turkey with a meeting with Sinkad Company. They also met with Smart Company, which specializes in establishing slaughterhouses, tanneries, apiaries, poultry and agricultural equipment. -Kadro Slaughterhouse. It was agreed with the company to establish three large modern slaughterhouses in the north, center and south of the state, and the company will soon delegate to the state to discuss the establishment of slaughterhouses.

The governor's delegation held a meeting with the governor of Gaziantep State, in the presence and participation of the Sudanese ambassador to Turkey, a representative of the Turkish Chamber of Commerce and the supervisor of the establishment of the Sudanese-Turkish Economic and Investment Forum. During the meeting, a twinning and partnership between the two states was established, and the state of Gaziantep pledged to train the technical cadres of the Nile State in the fields of health and services, as well as to build a factory for oils and services. another for confectionery and fruit preserves, as well as the exchange of experiences between the two states and the establishment of partnerships between businessmen.

Then, the state delegation met with the leaders of Şahinbey Municipality, which is considered one of the richest municipalities in Turkey and has a remarkable experience in the field of municipal administration and providing distinguished services to citizens. It was agreed to focus on the field of municipal management. training and approval of local state leaders to visit the municipality.

The delegation also visited the Gaziantep State Large Industrial Zone Directorate, which focuses on food and processing industries, establishing industrial zones and benefiting from alternative energies such as wind and solar energy and experimenting with biogas. to import cotton from the Nile State, in addition to exchanging visits with institutions related to the industries, the delegation also visited the Turkish Ministry of Industry and Technology. the establishment and establishment of large industrial cities and the adoption of modern technologies. The state delegation also held a meeting with the Presidency of Small and Medium Industries of the Turkish Ministry of Industry. The delegation reviewed the experience of small industry zones in Turkey. was launched in heavy industries. Agreement on the establishment of solar cell factories in the Nile State, manufacturing agricultural machinery and leather tanning.

Then, the state delegation held several long meetings with the head of the Turkish Department of Agricultural Projects, the Teqm Foundation, which was established a hundred years ago. The foundation includes more than 13 major projects in Turkey. The foundation aims to renew and improve agricultural seeds. through agricultural research, improve the breed of livestock and help small farmers in Turkey, and focuses on the production of cereals, vegetables, meat and dairy products, and self-sufficiency in these products has been achieved. the experience of the institution to the state. The management of the institution pledged to provide all assistance and full cooperation to the maximum extent in recognition of the depth of the eternal relations between Sudan and Turkey.

Then, the delegation visited the Turkish Dairy and Meat Foundation, which is considered one of the leading institutions, and it was agreed to establish an agreement in the field of animal health between the two countries and the institution's commitment to training executives in the Nile State working in the field of slaughterhouses, quarries, skins, animal health and everything related to livestock, a delegation from the institution will visit the state soon, God willing, we will find out how the state's animal export health department is established.

Then, the delegation participated in the activities of the Sudanese-Turkish Forum on Logistics, Economy and Investment, and the state's participation was effective. The delegation presented a comprehensive document on investment opportunities in the Nile State, accompanied by a documentary film explaining the state's multiple capabilities in various fields. The state's participation received high praise from the Turkish side and the Minister of Investment of Sudan.

Then, the state delegation visited the MUSIAD organization in Istanbul, where the organization focuses on digital transformation programs while preserving the nation's values, as well as expanding trade. It was agreed to accelerate the opening of an agricultural bank in Port Sudan to increase exports and. He highlighted the existing technical cooperation between Sudanese and Turkish standards and MUSIAD's commitment to provide all technical assistance to Sudan in the field of exports. The Economic Forum recommended Turkish Airlines to resume its weekly flights to Port Sudan and. the flow of bank financial transfers through the National Bank of Khartoum and Omdurman on the Sudanese side and Aktif and Arab Bank on the Turkish side, as well as faster facilitation of visas for Sudanese businessmen, activation of the joint inspection agreement and approval of export certificates. Turkish side and revitalize Sudanese exports.

The delegation also visited the city of Izmir to learn about the experience of Akaylar Company in the field of leather tanning, which is the only region in the world that specializes in the field of leather tanning and carries out tanning operations using the most modern methods. An agreement was reached between the state and the company to establish tanneries.

The state delegation also visited CTS, a heavy industry company led by the cement, automobile and silo industries. It owns 20 of them.

It has a steel plant and silos in Sudan, in Barakat and Al-Manaqil, Al-Jazeera State. It also has cotton ginning factories. It was agreed to establish factories for the company in the state, after completing all procedures.

The state delegation met with the Association for the Development of Agriculture, Exports and Agricultural Products in the capital Ankara. The association expressed its desire to establish a branch in the state, as it has branches in 56 countries. and fruit production in greenhouses. The association also focuses on training farmers to improve export production and open world markets to the state's products.

The delegation also met with a delegation from the Sudanese Students Union in Turkey, and the governor extended appreciated support to Sudanese students in Turkey to contribute to their support in recognition of their social situation.

We note that the Governor's visit to Turkey came in implementation of the directives of Lieutenant General Ibrahim Jaber, member of the Sovereign Council supervising the economic sector, to represent Sudan at the Turkish-Sudanese Economic and Investment Forum.

The state's participation was appreciated by the Turkish leadership, and the governor expressed his thanks and appreciation to Mr. Nader Youssef, Ambassador of Sudan to Turkey, Mr. Khaled Al-Khair, Consul General, Mr. Osama Mahjoub, Consul General in Istanbul, Mr. Engineer Al-Shazly, General Manager of Sincad Company and his assistants, Mr. Nizar Atta, Head of the Sudanese Community in Istanbul, and Mr. Security Attaché of the Consulate in Istanbul and Sudanese students in Turkey for their distinguished participation.

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