The Nile Local Option Project Implementation Monitoring Authority is reviewing its monitoring efforts on a number of cases concerning the people concerned.

The Nile State Implementation Monitoring Authority for Local Option Projects held its meeting in the hall of the Ministry of Finance in Damer, headed by Engineer Salah Ali Muhammad Karkba, Minister of Finance. Production and Economic Resources and Acting Minister of Finance, in the presence of Engineer Samir Saeed, Minister of Infrastructure and Urban Development and Executive Director of the locality of Beheira, Mr. Mamoun Majzoub Shaarabi, accompanied by a certain number of specialists and representatives of the population of the region.

The meeting discussed a number of agendas related to programs and projects for the benefit of people affected by the construction of the Merowe Dam. She also discussed the performance report for the period from August 2023 to April and the Authority's budget for the year 2024. and proposals to develop the work of the Authority.

Engineer Salah Ali Karkba stressed the importance of continuing efforts to move files and resume the implementation of programs and projects after the halt due to the war. He announced that the state government's efforts continue in monitoring option project support programs. The minister assured them of their concern regarding production problems linked to catching up before entering the summer season and declared that alternative energies are the solution. The only person in the state to increase the production process explained his efforts to attract small farmers. The production cycle by financing the Energy Fund, he said, despite the war conditions, they are optimistic about electrification projects, water supply to villages and the advancement of education and health records to stabilize the residents of the region.

He called for an end to the ongoing war and victory for the armed forces and all relevant agencies working to establish security and stability in the country.

Meanwhile, His Excellency Major General Maash Ali Hassan Khalifa, Executive Director of the Local Options Authority, presented a performance report for the period August 2023 to April 2024. He praised the efforts of the Government of the State and welcomed the popular effort focused on implementation. a number of programs intended to benefit the local population.

The Executive Director of the Authority highlighted what he described as the genius of the citizen who invented the direction of the popular effort with his own resources, especially due to the war conditions which paralyzed many projects. the conveyor line from Hasad to the local presidency, and currently the erection of around four hundred columns, centered on the Cape region and the villages surrounding it, also highlighted the work of the popular effort in the region of Berti West and the conversion of the region. power transmission line from Merowe to the water area of ​​Umm Sarh region, indicating that the conversion of the line allowed a reduction of more than six kilometers, from which the region benefited to provide water drinking water and irrigate adjacent agricultural projects. benefit of the Abu Haraz residential complex, and welcomed the movements of the state government and the Minister of Finance, Dr. Mahjoub Al-Sir Mohamed Ahmed, as well as the citizens of the region, to implement many important works for the success of the projects of the owners of the option.

The Executive Director of the Authority also reviewed the budget for the year 2024 and discussed in detail the need to consider making some amendments to it. The meeting also discussed some proposals to develop the work of the Authority. can carry out all the tasks entrusted to it to achieve the success of the objectives of the approved projects and support the stability of the populations of the region and the actors concerned by the construction of the dam.

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