The northern governor inaugurates the closing of Surtoud schools in the name of the martyr of dignity, Muhammad Abdel Qader

The Acting Governor of the Northern State, Mr. Abdeen Awadallah, in Surtod region, inaugurated the walls of Surtod schools in the name of martyr Muhammad Abdul Qadir Muhammad Saeed, and inaugurated the health center, office and classroom which were built by the son of the region, Dr. Abdul Hai Kuab, in the presence of members of the state government, executive leaders, symbols and notables of the region.

The northern governor addressed Surtoud's fans, who gave a beautiful picture of the sense of interdependence and cohesion, and the family of the region's martyr, Muhammad Abdel Qader, was celebrated.

Focus on continued construction and reconstruction

We appreciate the role of the armed forces, police and security agencies, as well as emergency personnel in securing and protecting the state and supporting and sustaining the armed forces.

Announce the coming hour of victory of the armed forces

And a donation of money to the health center and the school

For his part, the Minister of Education called on everyone to cooperate, join hands and do everything possible to continue the school year.

Stressing that starting the school year was a big challenge, but that I overcame all the difficulties

In the same context, the executive director of the locality of Dongola spoke about the character and authenticity of the inhabitants of Surtod, emphasizing his position alongside the inhabitants of the region and providing them with all his support.

For his part, one of the notables of the region spoke of the country of chivalry, whose blood flowed in the veins, listing the region's assets.

Call for more support to complete the rest of the construction

Thanking all those who provided support from the people of Surtoud at home and abroad

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