The people support Al-Burhan in his three no's!!! …The US administration wanted to spoil the joy of the Sudanese people of a near victory, but no way – no way…. ✍️ Omar Kabo


++ Al-Qahta media is lying ((God honors the listeners)) when it describes that the Sudanese people are satisfied with the sponsorship by the American administration of the negotiations aimed at stopping the war…

++ There is no dear free man who has an iota of chivalry and manhood in his heart who would agree to sit down for negotiations with those who have raped the women of Sudan, captured its free women, plundered its wealth and abandoned its innocent citizens…

++ Review all those who raise the slogan “No to war”. Either they come from broken families who have no chivalry, dignity or honor, or they are traitors who work as slaves for Zayed's children, or a bunch of leftist parties who I want to regain strength from the Janjaweed, a military incubator once again…

++ If the Sudanese people wanted to stop the war, it would not have continued for almost two years. They have their own decision and can impose their vision without any submission to external influence or foreign will…

++ He endured the scourges of war, hunger, displacement, plunder, the humiliation of exile and the contempt of foreigners, in support, assistance and support of our armed forces for one goal and one hoped-for hope, which is the elimination of the Janjaweed militia…

++ Whoever thinks otherwise is an idiot, a fool, who does not know the pride and dignity of the Sudanese people, does not know the basis of this patience and does not know why the Sudanese people have endured all these conditions and sufferings. surpassed all sufferings…

++ The Sudanese people were very happy and satisfied when President Burhan announced his three nos: ((no negotiation, no peace and no ceasefire)) On that day, these nos covered most of the events and became an icon repeated by millions…

++ For God's sake, is there a greater neglect of citizens than the US administration adopting peace negotiations after more than a year and a half?! It was as if it was fast asleep, not knowing what had happened and what was happening in Sudan…

++ It is the only country in the world that surpasses the small state of the Emirates in terms of hatred of the Sudanese people, given that it is one side of the triangle of conspiracy against the Sudanese people ((Israel, America and the Zionist Emirates)) 000

++ Anyone who says otherwise wants to convince us that the United States was unable or incapable of imposing its decisions and preventing the war in Sudan with the strict guidelines it dictated to Zayed's children…

++ As for the fact that she was forced to watch and remain completely silent, she has no right to come and present herself in innocence and annihilation as a mediator of the Sudanese problem, and when???!!! After having assured that the infrastructure of Sudan has been completely destroyed and that Sudan needs fifty years to return to the point where it was before the war…

++ Therefore, the Sudanese people will not accept any negotiations under American sponsorship or any negotiations with the State of the United Arab Emirates, in which the United Arab Emirates is a party, because in the eyes of the Sudanese people, these are two countries that are not neutral…

++ I am certain that our armed forces will not exceed the will of the people in favor of the option of continuing the war until the last humiliating mercenary of the Arab diaspora is eliminated…

++ What supports this trend are the overwhelming victories of our armed forces, which have been able to provide a wonderful model of sacrifice, redemption, firmness and tactics, and prove that they are the best army in our Arab and African environment in terms of the capacity for maneuver, tactics, combat and firmness…

++The entire people, with the proof in their three nos, anticipate the dawn of salvation with a resounding victory, the signs of which appear on the horizon, and the United States wants to cut off from us the joy of this great victory to come with force. …

++ Here we have no choice but to tell the officers of our armed forces, our choice and your only choice is ((Bol))000

*Our army, machine*

*Safe, Jinn*

*Resist, Nashama*

*Omar Capo*

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